Advanced Lost and Found Technique #1: Sorting Mystery Bulbs.

So if you amass a Ton of Bulbs and really don't wanna grow all of them to know what they are, then I have a solution for you.

So here are a few bulbs, and I dont really wanna grow them all.  So how do I know which is which. 

The Search dog!

Type in Bulb, and you will get different results based on the number of different bulbs you have.

As you can see I have 4.  So I click on each one so I know which to group together.

So I now I have them all grouped together.  Time to see what they are, I'm just gonna grow them all.

And what do you know, it was dead on the money.  I started out growing one of each group, then the rest followed order as expected.


Strange Notice when Loading Farm “Invalid Gifts”

Another title for this post could be "oh my! Part 2"  Anyway seems like some "invalid gifts" ended up in some folks Giftboxes the other day.  But thankfully Zynga has started coming along and REMOVED the offending items.  Since no one wants their farm to have issues with "normal play".  What I hear says not all the invalid gifts have been taken yet.  So if you have invalid gifts, You likely are not out of the woods yet.

A Bunch of Market Stalls, Showing NEVER BEFORE SEEN Crops!

So I saw someone the other day complaining Farmville was releasing too many "fantasy crops" and not enough real ones.  Well they must have heard that from a number of folks because a number of normal crops are on the way! 

So first up are those 10 "space crops"  Which Are not going to be the sign we are getting a space farm, Sorry.  Just a special line of 10 crops that are coming soon to all farms.

Now here are the fun stuff, Lettuce, Goji Berry 2, Garlic, Kidney Beans, Orange Marigold, Okra, Celery, Begonias, Yellow Marigolds, Buckwheat, Kale, Alfalfa, Green Beans and Brussel Sprouts

Expected Mystery Game Prizes: Summer Glau Edition

Like all info this is Subject to change, and is accurate as of the time of this post.

Well for this week, like a lot of recent weeks, we do not have a lot of images for you.  But we have names.

Firefly Unicorn
Firefly Mini Horse
Summer Cottage
Firefly Pond
Bee Fountain
Summer Gazebo
Baltimore Oriole

And here are the foals of the two critters we expect:

And The Firefly Unicorn gives Purple Rocks of Commonness in the Unicorn Island so…