Mystery Game Contents Confirmed. Disappointment Also Confirmed

Darts Go into Balloons, Out Come Animals.  It's like watching an episode of Grizzly Adams.  Well not really.  Here are the confirmed contents so you can be aware of whats possible vs blindly throwing and hoping to get a pony. 



But this week we are treated with a bunch of Old Stuff.  In fact it was the Mystery Game from about a Year ago.

Atlantis Weekly Questing, Chapter 2, Guide Text Version

1) This is for Everyone, Also be aware, they could change something, they've done it before, it's hard to predict the future 100% accurate all the time.  Just ask Miss Cleo. 

2) It Runs a Week.

3) It starts around 1:00 PM Eastern Or Whenever they roll out the Free Access On Monday ONLY for Atlantis(some things COULD count on other farms, but who knows with the Big Z) 

Task # Tasks Rewards
1 Get 7 Atlantis Keys
Harvest 40 Shellfish
Harvest Atlantis Palace 2 Times 
XP, Coins, Gold Seahorse
2 Get 8 Mermaid Marigolds
Harvest 50 Ambrosia
Harvest Gold Seahorse 2 Times
XP, Coins, Stillsplash Tree
3 Get 9 Atlantean Rakes
Harvest 60 Sea Sponge
Make Salt Water Taffy 1 Time
XP, Coins, Pink Axolotl
4 Get 9 Plankton Pellets
Harvest 70 Coral
Master Gold Seahorse to 1-Star
XP, Coins, Shell Home Thingy
5 Get 9 Mermaid Harps
Harvest 85 Seaweed
Make Sea Biscuit 2 Times
XP, Coins, Wavy Willow Tree
6 Get 12 Mericorn Pendants
Harvest 100 Plankton
Make Shellfish Surprise 2 Times
XP, Coins,Mericorn

Icons for the Prizes will show up below: