Sweet Beet Seeds for Haiti

Unreleased Sweet Beets Mastery sign

The newest Sweet Seeds for Haiti promotion is coming very soon!  We have been showing you bits and pieces of information as we find it.

We finally have a good idea of what you will be able to plant.

Sweet Beets! 
Harvest in: 6 hours – never wither!
Cost: 10 coins – after purchase of FVcash permit
Sell for: 125 coins
XP: 3
You will have to purchase a permit for FV cash in order to unlock the seeds in your market. 50% of sales will go to helping to produce healthy and sustainable meals for Haitian children. 
 Possible School Building Decoration Reward for your Donation?Sweet Seeds for Haiti - Sweet Beet Seeds

Here are pictures from the Haiti town where the donations will be sent.