Farmville Safari: Avenue des Champs-Élysées

Bonjour safariers!  Safariists? Safarians? Hmm… Anyway, welcome to a French Safari today at FVNation!  Today I'll be taking you to Paris, France, in celebration of the recent Parisian theme in Farmville.  And not just any old place in Paris, but on one of the most famous streets in the world, the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.  

The name of the street translates to Elysian Fields, which is in homage to Greek mythology, for a blessed place.  And indeed many folks believe that this street is blessed, and holds all you could ever need!  In modern times, it has movie theaters, chic boutiques, the entire scale of dining from fine to fast, and more more more!  There is even a popular French song about it, singing how everything you could ever want is found there, and it's perfect in the rain or the sunshine, at noon or midnight! Click the photo of the Avenue below to see a cute rendition of the song with video clips up and down the street for your viewing pleasure. 


The most striking and historic feature of this street is perhaps the Arc de Triomphe, translating to the Arch of Triumph.  This monument is for those who fought and died in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. 

Champs Elysees

And yes, there are neatly pruned trees growing in a vaguely fence-like manner along the Avenue… but still… four trees in a row to represent this street?  This decoration item titled "Champs Elysees" entered the market on 7/22/11 for a cost of 5 Farmcash.  

Perhaps a slightly better value was the Arc de Triomph, which was released on 7/19/11 for a much higher cost of 35 Farmcash, but was substantially cooler.  Here's a comparison between the real and the fake Arcs:

Farmville ArcReal Arc

I have to give the Farmville designers some credit… they are fairly close in appearance, with some slack given for minute details.  We can also see a peek of the Eiffel Tower in the background of the real Arc… but that is perhaps a story for another Safari!

Bonsoir, FVNationals! 

Until next time,
