You Do not earn the Coconuts with Every harvest?

So thanks to true friend of the site Craigers.  (Just a huge SHOUT out to Craigers for ALWAYS coming through, others could learn from his example, Even including myself)

So buddy Craig Grew up a BUNCH of Seedlings and ended up with:

And he had this to say about the Coconuts, He wasn't getting them every harvest cycling a "Ulu Tree" around his orchards he got from live chat in response to his missing Money Tree.  But when he did get Coconuts he got 100.  But once he grew up the Jaca Tree, he was getting 2250 coconuts EVERY harvest.  Of course they aren't showing up on his screen, or I'm sure a screen shot of that would have been sent in too.  So Thanks Craigers for going above and beyond to help us in our Efforts to keep the farmers informed.  Its a thankless job you volunteered for.  So Thank You Craigers.  If only you got paid to do what you do.  Craigers could be described as follows "Because he's the hero FvNation deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll harass him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dork Knight."  (see because he is not Batman, but he is a Huge Computer Dork)