Jade Falls Early Access

 Well, it is officially rolling out and there have been more and more confirmations. Please remember that free access will not happen for another week.

Early price is 45 FVC

Early access exclusive chapter one quest

Text guide: http://www.fvnation.com/2012/06/jade-falls-chapter-1-text-guide/

Pretty guide: http://www.fvnation.com/2012/06/jade-falls-chapter-1-quest-guide/

More things to note: http://www.fvnation.com/2012/06/jade-falls-words-again-of-interest/

Market update tonight for Jade Falls: http://www.fvnation.com/2012/06/another-sneak-some-jade-falls-stuff-coming-monday-night-for-you-to-buy/

And the intro video in case you missed it before or want to see again: http://www.fvnation.com/2012/05/get-ready-to-bang-the-gong-intro-video-for-the-jade-falls/