The Real CA Milk Cow: Means of getting other than Gifting.

So California is a State in the United States.  It wouldn't make a whole heck of a lot of sense for them to pay money to advertise to people who likely are not their target market.  So it could be that Non US Farmers can't gift this black and white advertisement.  Or maybe they can't even get them as gifts, oh the horror.

So here are 2 ways to get them out.

1) The easiest, that Handy Dandy re-gift button.  Then anyone who wants can take them, Even greedy people!  So ya know be careful or some such.

2) The more difficult, is Use the Cow Pasture to Get a Calf, Share it, have people grow up in their nursery, because this calf critter grows into it's proper adult in the nursery!

3) The Lame way, like I've seen a few people do, Grow up a calf for 30 cash.  That's harsh.


Anyway if we get more info on who can gift/get/whatever on this one we will let you know.
