A whole lot of words, but not much news, the August 27th Podcast

Transcript is http://forums.zynga.com/showthread.php?p=6712532#post6712532 Here is the only stuff that seems really interesting

Well, first up this week is something I know our breeders will be very excited about… Nursery barn expansion will be making its way to Farmville in the coming weeks. Along with this will be a new Wild West themed Mystery Game and more Wild West items. And lastly, we will soon have new and improved Neighbor visits for all of our players. With the new visit system, you will be able to do more on your friend’s farms besides fertilizing. Soon, you will be able to plow your Neighbors fallow plots, collect from their animals and harvest their trees. When doing these actions on your Neighbors farms, you will gain coins and experience points for helping and your Neighbors will also receive the appropriate amount of XP and coins when they return.

If you wanna still listen: