Water from Orchards, Say what?

It looks like Zynga is actually gonna make an effort to do something about the Water (or lack there of).


In case you don't wanna click through

 We've recognized that some of you are very dedicated arborists in FarmVille, and it's hard to maintain an increased style of growth and sharing mystery seedlings with the inability to get Watering Cans (and with the Snowman no longer giving Watering Cans soon, it'll be even harder).

However, this water shortage isn't going to last too long–coming next week we'll be adding the ability to harvest Watering Cans out of your Orchards. We're still tinkering with the exact number you'll get from each, but essentially if you're harvesting an Orchard and you don't get a Mystery Seedling, you'll get some water instead (as well as the coins from normal harvesting).

I personally think this could be awesome, hopefully there will be a decent number of water per orchard to make it actually helpful.