Collection Rewards By Level

Each of the group of collectibles Repeat as you complete them.

IE: Level 4 is the same as Level 1, Level 5 = Level 2, and Level 6=Level 3 (just needing more items to redeem each time)

Berries Collection:

Level 1 Fert All + 500 Coins and 50 Xp
Level 2: Berry Crate + 1000 Coins and 100 Xp
Level 3: White Cherry Blossom Tree (deco)+ 1500 Coins and 150 Xp

Citrus Collection:

Level 1 Arborist + 500 Coins and 50 Xp
Level 2: Citrus Arch+ 1000 Coins and 100 Xp
Level 3: Zesty Pony + 1500 Coins and 150 Xp

Flower Collection:

Level 1 Some Coins + 500 Coins and 50 Xp
Level 2: Flower Bucket+ 1000 Coins and 100 Xp
Level 3: Flower Cow (animal)+ 1500 Coins and 150 Xp

Cow Collection:

Level 1 5 Fuel + 500 Coins and 50 Xp
Level 2: Flowery Cow Topiaryt+ 1000 Coins and 100 Xp
Level 3: Rainbow Cow+ 1500 Coins and 150 Xp

Grain Collection:

Level 1 1000 Coins + 500 Coins and 50 Xp
Level 2: Wheat Scarecrow+ 1000 Coins and 100 Xp
Level 3: Water Mill+ 1500 Coins and 150 Xp

Squash Collection:

Level 1 Arborist + 500 Coins and 50 Xp
Level 2: Gourd Gnome+ 1000 Coins and 100 Xp
Level 3: Pumpkin Pig + 1500 Coins and 150 Xp

Each time you redeem a collection the number of each item you need goes up, thus the higher rewards will take Much longer to get.