In case you didn’t see them in the Market: More Combines!

For Those that Hate Farming.

So at point in the history of Farmville, each plot had to be clicked 3 times, to plow it, plant it, then finally harvest it.   And then 2×2 Tractors, Seeders, and Harvesters came onto the scene.  And it was easier to farm.  Then Zynga decided that if folks wanted some Hot Rods, they would need to go play Mafia wars, and we rejoyced with 3×3 Vehicles!  Then Combines showed up, and we could do 4×4 plots in one click, all 3 actions.  Well today the next stage in Combine-Evolution has happened.  with 4×5 and 5×5 Combines.  But of course they are cash, and fairly costly.

So When do they combine the Turbos with the Combine, and release the Turbo Combine, that Plows,plants, and Harvests the whole farm?  I bet it would be at least 800 Cash when it happens.


Greed Is clearly the name of the game.