Super Epic Wonderful Contest Results

You've all been waiting for it, so Here is the Results.

Before I get down to the whole "who was right, and who was wrong"  I just wanna say Thanks to all that give it a try.

Question: What was the first limited edition Farmville crop?
Answer: Superberries

Many folks added in extra qualifications to the question, like Masterable. 

And since there was 200ish Shares that's 2 Balloon Trees
Winners: Christian W
Megan W

Question: What was the first Sweet Seeds crop?
Answer: Sweet Potato

And since there was 120ish Shares that's 1 July 4th Ice Cream Tree
Winner: Arwen

Question: Which Gnome is Commonly Known as the BobGnome?
Answer: Leprechaun Gnome

This one tripped up folks, I guess they didn't notice that he appears on every page of the site at least 4 times? 

And since there was 95ish Shares that's 1 Jacaranda Tree
Winners: Shawn E

Question: How much was the First Farmcash Tree in the Market?
Answer: 27 Cash.

The Acai Tree

And since there was 110ish Shares that's 1 Ironwood Tree
Winners: Allen C

Question: What was the cost of the Lawn Jockey?
Answer: 8 Cash

And since there was 125ish Shares that's 1 Mystery Gnome
Winners: Jessy G

Question:What was the First Gnome in a Mystery Box?
Answer: Gold Gnome

Yep very first Mystery Box.  And now the Gold gnome is in Eggs and people don't really care about it as much

And since there was 110ish Shares that's 1 American Gnome
Winners: Nanoha T

Question: How many Different Mystery Eggs (that come from Chickens) are in the game Currently?
Answer: 11

And since there was 110ish Shares that's 1 Honey Locust
Winners: Traci T.

Question: Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff would be best represented by Which 3 Gnomes?
Answer: Bela Lugosi: Most Famous for Playing Dracula (Vampire Gnome)
Boris Karloff: Most Famous for playing Frankenstein and The Mummy (Franken Gnome & Mummy Gnome)

Some folks said "Ghost" because they were dead.

And since there was 100ish Shares that's 1 Bald Eagle
Winners: ImpostorCotton

Question: Which came first: Chickens or Eggs?
Answer: Chickens

People seemed to forget this is a Farmville Site, The Chickens came out LONG before Eggs.

And since there was 195ish Shares that's 2 American Flag Ewes
Winners: Amanda W

Question: Which Gnome was the first to be Animated?
Answer: Sprinkler Gnome

Animated means Moves, Now some people never have anything move on their farms.  but off the top of my head four Animated Gnomes have been released: Sprinkler, Ghost, Balloon, and American. (five if you are crazy and count the sale priced Ghost as a different gnome)

And since there was 120ish Shares that's 1 Canadian Flag Ewe
Winners: Midgetman

Question: My user name ends in 3 numbers, 007.  Who is most famous for being 007.  I mean the character.  Not any of the actors.
Answer: James Bond of Course.

This was a Gimmie Question since I figured everyone would get it right.

And since there was 145ish Shares that's 1 July Confetti Tree
Winners: Magood

Question: Polar Bear: Adorable Or Super Adorable?
Answer: Adorable Or Super Adorable

This one was mostly another gimmie type question since the previous ones were maybe too hard.

And since there was 120ish Shares that's 1 Polar Bear Cub
Winners: KayRae

Contest 13 and 14 winners will be announced in a little while, I have to now go back through the almost 1400 answers and see who was correct.