Crafting Silo is showing up on farms


The new crafting silo is showing up on more and more farms, Farmville also gave every farmer enough building materials to fully build a Craft Shop if you have not yet already! Start harvesting your animals and trees to start getting ingredients for these upcoming crafts that will be available for the Craft Shop!


Here is currently all of the crafting ingredients you can get from harvesting animals and trees from your farm:

While harvesting animals on your farm, just like when you are harvesting crops, a rising line of text will state what item you found (Wool Bundles come from sheep, Milk Jugs come from cows, Manure Bags come from pigs, ect.) These items are then stored in your Crafting Silo and in the future will be used to create Crafts in the Craft Shop. You can ask your friends for an ingredient and share the post to your feed. Since the crafts using these ingredients are not released yet, make sure to stock up! Also while harvesting animal buildings, you have the possibility to get ingredients from them too: