New Unreleased Trees = New Scams from turds.

So in short there are people out there in the world, that do not have anything else better to do, that to be huge poop heads.  So they dream up these plans to put out Fake Farmville posts in an effort to get you to click them, and spread their fakeness, and get more people to click, its an never ending cycle of fail.

I saw this post on a friends wall today…

Because I love the trees, I know this isn't out.  Plus The Bold line shouldn't say "Farmer's".  And when you hover your cursor on the "via Farmville" you see

This Sadly is the real url to play Farmville, so People that hover there are sometimes tricked into thinking this is real.  But if you place your cursor over the actual Tree Image, you will see this url.

I cut off part of their url since there is no need to give them any advertisement for being scumbags.

So if you did click it you end up seeing *this*

Let me point out the most obviously wrong thing.  Zynga Doesn't feel like they have to tell you something is Official when you go to click a reward post.  Also "Officially by Zynga" just sounds dumb.  Also why does it say "Do you want this? Present Tree?"  Clearly this is being wrote by some like 14 year old in an effort to feel special or who knows what evil reasons someone would have to make a bs fake Farmville reward thing.  And another thing, these crap bags post on their wall that they sent people a Dart in Farmville, to help make them look more legit.  It makes me frigging sick.  More so than I already am, cough. 

And if you guessed that super old Youtube Video would be making another appearance, then you are correct.

In short the easiest way to stay safe.

1) Do not blindly click anything you see, No reward is worth causing your computer or friends computers to maybe get something evil on them.
2) Always hover on the Image to see what the actual link really is. 
3) Never Hover on "via Farmville" to see if something is legit, you will be burned EVERY TIME.

So many scams and they'll never go away because people will keep thinking they can get something for nothing.