Lighthouse Cove Animals Terrorizing Other Farms via OOS! (New England Pinto, Milking Short Hand, others likely)

So in short, what I think is likely connected to the future Lighthouse Shared Storage, a number of animals and maybe OTHER types of items (decos buildings etc)  Are causing OOS when placed on Other Farms.

I've checked with a dozen Farmers that report, if they place they attempt to remove the New England Pinto (from Stable) , Piney Woods Cow, Sailor Cow, or Milking ShortHand (cows from Dairy Farms) into Storage or placing on farm they oos.

The only safe way found to remove them from their buildings is to place them in their Animal Habitat it appears.

Hopefully Zynga will catch the issue and fix it, since for months it was allowed to have these animals else where, but now is causing issue for a number of farmers.  I can't say its affecting *every* one, but I've heard enough folks today about it to suggest its fairly widespread.

Tonights Market Update, “Coin Heavy”

3 Coin Items, 2 of them we do not know what they are, but they are not a Fence or a gate!  And one is a 2million coin bird!  I think this may be one of the more coin heavy updates as of late.

Also for reasons that I'm guessing are mostly anti-fansite, a number of images are blank for now.  Because ya know, providing free advertising for Zynga on what they are adding to the game, is clearly a bad thing, right?  (Wink Wink)

Stuff shows up in about 5 hours, you'll have about 2 weeks to get your purchases done.  Gumball Sheep, Pink Gypsy Horse, Chocolate Waterfall and the Chocolate Heart Trees are old. 

Level 2 Trees Come from Level 1 Trees, The Horsey Type animals have foals and the Cow Animal has a Calf.  And still no crystal or fairy winged Turtle..