A few Tidbits: Start Date, Number of Plots Per Expansion, plus another Currency…

So I often have tried to pay for things with Coconuts in real life, It seems Farmville has decided that Coconuts will be an important form of money for the New Farm…

More on that in a sec.

Plots per Expansion…. With the fact we now have TWO types of plots…  Yes we now have Water and Dirt Plots.

The Default 12×12 Farm : "You can plow up to 45 plots on land, and 10 in the water. Spend Coconuts to expand your farm and plow more!"
14×12 Farm : "You can plow up to 55 plots on land, and 20 in the water. Spend Coconuts to expand your farm and plow more!"
16×16 Farm : "You can plow up to 65 plots on land, and 40 in the water. Spend Coconuts to expand your farm and plow more!"
18×18 Farm : "You can plow up to 90 plots on land, and 60 in the water. Spend Coconuts to expand your farm and plow more!"
20×20 Farm : "You can plow up to 100 plots on land, and 85 in the water. Spend Coconuts to expand your farm and plow more!"
22×22 Farm : "You can plow up to 145 plots on land, and 110 in the water. Spend Coconuts to expand your farm and plow more!"
24×24 Farm : "You can plow up to 175 plots on land, and 135 in the water. Spend Coconuts to expand your farm and plow more!"
26×26 Farm : "You can plow up to 215 plots on land, and 165 in the water. Spend Coconuts to expand your farm and plow more!"
28×28 Farm : "You can plow up to 260 plots on land, and 195 in the water. Spend Coconuts to expand your farm and plow more!"
30×30 Farm : "You can plow up to 310 plots on land, and 225 in the water. Spend Coconuts to expand your farm and plow more!"
32×32 Farm : "You can plow up to 370 plots on land, and 260 in the water. Spend Coconuts to expand your farm and plow more!"
34×34 Farm : "You can plow up to 415 plots on land, and 290 in the water."


So On the Coconuts… It appears Hawaii Items Will sell for Coconuts and will harvest for Coconuts, Such as the Sea Turtle will harvest for 40 Coconuts (I think) and will cost 1000 Coconuts in the Market, and will be a Common found in some the Aquatic Bundles, so its likely wise if you Stock pile ANY and ALL of the animals that are Hawaii Related, so you can get more Coconuts.    It also appears when you get to the Hawaii They are gonna spot you SIX THOUSAND COCONUTS!  And you *maybe* can convert your Coins into Coconuts, and if you like throwing away money you can BUY COCONUTS FOR REAL FUNDS!


The Expected "start date for Early Access", AKA PAY ACCESS: Is Next Mondayish 27th of Feb.
The Expected "start date for Free Access", AKA FREE ACCESS: Is the NEXT Mondayish, the 5th of March

More stuff is going to keep coming, because well Information is fun!