Off Topic Tuesday: Head Pain,Heart Warming, And Humor

Off Topic Tuesday/Thursday  May happen from time to time, if the overall response is super negative It won't happen again for a LONG time…

One's life can not be 24/7 Farmville, No matter how many tractors they own. 

I know most folks do not care my thoughts on Non Farmville activities, but I saw 3 things today, that I felt needed some more exposure. 

First off, Being that I am a student, and I've always had a love of History and board  games etc…  I facepalm'ed so so hard when I saw this.

I don't think they were joking.  I also saw others, but I just can't grasp that SO MANY PEOPLE are not aware of this.  Maybe I SHOULD have went through with the plans of being a History Teacher…

And the Flipside of the coin, I saw this video about, well I wont spoil it, but its heart warming. 

Just Watch the video then Check out the site about things

And when you visit the site, maybe toss some bucks out to get the kid an education.  Its that sort of Feel Good Story.

So to end things on a high note.  This photo resulted in a hearty laugh.

Yes that is a Tractor Simulation.  I for see MANY edits of this photo happening…  Wouldn't it be amazing if Zynga added this to the game, instead of the ability to send your friends creepy Messages?