If you like Deco Birds, Tonight’s Mystery Game is For you!

So It's likely gonna be an Epically Feathery Mystery game tonight.  With 1 Harvestable Bird.  Plus 6 Deco Birds.

So If you enjoy the Deco Birds, tonight would be a good night to dart, sadly we do not really have the images to show you at this point, but they uh, are still in flight?  Or rather just images are not available.  But since they are birds I will go with "they are in flight"…

The Next Raffle, after tonight’s drawing.

I know for newer players, throwing a Raffle booth on their farm with some Tickets, will net them some more building parts every week.  If they shove in 5 tickets they almost have a 100% chance of netting 25 Special Delivery Boxes.  Which goes towards all those things its trying to catch you up on.  Of course if you do not have a raffle booth, you can go to your market, and search for raffle and buy it.  Happy Raffling.