2 Old Crops Return! Can be mastered this time! Sorta.

The Swiss chard and flamingo flower have returned to the game, and this time they brought mastery signs!

Clearly the Swiss Chard image in the market is broken, but 2 "new" crops to master!   Oh yeah the Flamingo Flower mastery *may* be broken at the moment.  As in the added mastery to it, but forgot to flip the switch.  D'oh!

Also The Swiss Chard you may wanna hold off on planting for a week ;D

And Tonight’s Sneak at the market, more Gem Stuff etc.

A couple old things, and a bunch of new stuff comes to the game tonight.  Most are cash Yes, that is how things work.  When you buy stuff in game for coins, that doesn't really profit Zynga, and feed their employees/families.  But I agree they could sneak a few more Coin items out…

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