Super Combine vehicles

The Super Combine vehicles have been released as some people might have noticed.  It is being rolled out to everyone slowly so if you don't have yours yet, here's what it's all about.  The Combine vehicles will allow you to harvest, plow and seed your plots in 1 click.  This will save you lots of clicks and time!  Harvesting, plowing, and seeding will still use 3 units of fuel so the Combine will use the same amount of fuel as with normal vehicles.

There's 2 different combine vehicles so far. The Hotrod Combine wich costs 110fv$ and the normal Combine wich costs 500,000coins.

Now what's the difference between the Combine and the Hotrod Combine?
The Combine will need 40 vehicle parts to be build before you can actually use it and has a plot size of 2×2 while the Hotrod is 'ready to go' and does 3×3. Both vehicles can be upgraded when stored in the garage.
To upgrade the Hotrod you need to be level 41.

Combine ChassisCombine buildingCombine finishedHotrod Combine

Upgrading your Combine:
* 3×2 (6 plots) = 6 vehicle parts
* 3×3 (9 plots) = 15 vehicle parts
* 4×3 (12 plots) = 30 vehicle parts  (requires lvl 41)
* 4×4 (16 pots) = 45 vehicle parts  (requires lvl 41)
Including building you will need a total of 136 parts.
Upgrading Hotrod Combine:
* 4×3 (12 plots) = 30 vehicle parts  (requires lvl 41)
* 4×4 (16 plots) = 45 vehicle parts  (requires lvl 41)

So  the Combine will be alot of work to build/upgrade, while the Hotrod will save you some work but you'll still need a total of 75 parts to upgrade it.  But is the 110 farmcash really worth it?  I guess that's up to you.