Unreleased stuff

More unreleased stuff today, new fall/halloween stuff and more outfits for the avatars.  There's also a new Candy crop wich will probably be Limited Edition.  It may be masterable but we can't confirm that yet.  More info soon.

Autumn PondPumpkin MarketSugar Maple Tree (decoration)Cornmaze FenceSkeleton Scarecrow

White Avatar T-shirtBlue Avatar T-shirtRed Avatar T-shirtYellow Avatar T-shirt
Candy CropCandy Mastery SignCandy BushelCandy Market Stall

Just like always more unreleased Farmville stuff is popping up, and lets take this time to talk about unreleased.

1) Unreleased may never come out, we do not know (most of the time) if it will come out at all, or come out in a form that you the player may own it.

2) Unreleased stuff may take a year or more to show up, such as the Raked leaves that was found about a year ago finally showed up.

3) Alot of the Limited Edition crops have Bushel and Farmer Market stall artwork, this likely is because in the future the crops will make their way back to Farmville in Some way.

4) Why there is a watermark on what we post?  Well first off, we do not own the artwork, that is all owned by Zynga.  So why do we watermark it?  Because we have folks that take the time, to track down the stuff and don't look too kindly on other folks copying our efforts and passing it off as there own.

5) We don't say thanks to all the folks that help on every post, so Thanks to Jaime, Ressy, Devin and anyone else that helps us in the task of finding this stuff.