For those that dont Venture to the Official Zynga Forums

4 Possible Tree Mastery Signs

So to show you non forum folks the possible mastery signs spoke of in the podcast, we have linked them above, you can click the photo to make it larger.  I like 2 Myself, but 4 would be neat if all of them locked together like Tetris Blocks.

If you wanna make your voice heard on which you like, click here to go to the forums and say your thoughts.


Podcast with no Lexi!

No Lexi this week or next, some gravely sounding fella is doing it. The important parts below


"We also have a few more Halloween goodies in store. Save those Halloween candies for the Halloween Candy Basket, because soon you’ll be able to trade them for items. Of course treating is only half the fun, so you’ll also be able to trick your neighbor with cobwebs, and even turn their animals into ghosts! These can be accepted or dismissed like other neighbor actions, but will only cause visual changes if you accept them."

As part of the Halloween event, we’ll be releasing Halloween costumes for your FarmVille character. We’ll also be releasing the Feed Trough—a farm building that comes pre-built that you fill up with animal feed to attract adoptable animals to your farm!

And one last thing to mention: we’ve hinted to it on the forums today, and are pleased to announce that Tree Orchards are in the works! While we can’t share much with you today, we’d like to encourage everyone to visit the FarmVille forums and vote on the poll showcasing four tree mastery signs. We’ll be taking your opinions into consideration for the final product that will become a feature for the Orchard. That’s all for this week, Farmers! The next podcast will be hosted on the 22nd to bring you all of the latest news and information from around the Farm.


So those neat things we found, Feed Building and Orchard and Tree Mastery are coming soon.  We love being able to bring you new stuff early.

Click here to go to the full transcript of the podcast

3 free farmcash

Another free farmcash promo today on farmville.  Click on the ad below your farm, just answer a few questions and your cash will be added to your amount.  (note: you might have to wait a few minutes and refresh your farm for the cash to show up).  If you don't see the promo, you can use the following link by puttin your facebook UID behind it:

Toyota Promo

Unreleased Orchard

So folks have been asking for the longest time for a building to put their Trees in.  I'm not really sure why, trees are pretty and only take up 1×1, but I digress.  We have found a place holder image for an Orchard (they used the Garage image), but the real neat thing, is the Dialog box we found for when you are looking in the Orchard.

Open'ed Orchard Dialog Box


Whats really neat, is why is there 3 stars under the Box for the Tree, is it possible the Orchard will allow you to Master Trees?

Time will tell, but for now this is all we got on this.  Please share this post with your friends, I personally think this is a pretty big deal.