Scavenger Hunt

The FvNation Scavenger Hunt Contest

Hidden on 8 posts from the past, are photos of Ninja Turtles

One set looking to the Left, one set looking to the right.

Simple way to win, Find the Urls for the posts, and email them to this email address

Prize is 150ish fv$

First person to send all 8 Links in, will win.

Good luck.

New Podcast is live

Here is a link to read

Here are the highlights:

You can acquire these parts from your Neighbors, snow piles and Farm Cash.
Once a day you’ll also be able to harvest the Snowman for Watering Cans. The higher the tier, the more Watering Cans you can get out of it.

Both the Snowball Fight and the Snowman events end on January 13. After that date players will not be able to throw snowballs, or add parts to their Snowman. You will be able to store your Snowman at that time.


Pig Pen Expansion will be coming soon and this extra space will allow you to hunt for more truffles, accumulate more slop and store up to 40 pigs.

The New Year’s Ball Drop feature will also make an appearance soon, which will give you the ability to invite your neighbors to your New Year’s party. The more Neighbors who attend your party, the better rewards you will get. Some of the rewards you can look forward to are a new crop, a new pony and some new clothes for your avatar.

And lastly, we have the Winter Countdown that will start sometime after December 25th. Everyday you log in, you will have a chance to ask for and give an item from our old Winter Holiday theme to your Neighbors. Each day will be a new item, and if you manage to collect all 12 of them, you will unlock a very special new animal.

Now before I get out of here, I want to give you guys a quick update on when the 28×28 expansion will be available for coins. Currently, we are looking at releasing this feature sometime after the new year, so please hang tight and we will have this for you as soon as we can.

Alright Farmers, that’s it from me this week. Please know that due to the Holidays, our next podcast will be on January 7th. The FarmVille Team would like to wish all of our players a safe and happy holiday season. Again, my name is Lexilicious and I would like to thank everyone for tuning in this week! Happy holidays and happy farming everybody!


So That Winter Countdown thing sounds fairly neat.  And The 28×28 for coins in the new year is kinda lame, but its a coming.