Podcast March 4th 2011

Tonights podcast:

Important things:

1.) Lexi tells us how to use the pot of gold – *Again there is only one page of prizes*

2.) England Countryside is still "Coming Soon"

3.) Spring Garden – We gotta build it and can be harvested for eggs and flowers. 

4.) Mardi Gras next theme – New and Old items *Check out our Unreleased Mardi Gras Images* http://www.fvnation.com/2011/03/unreleased-for-march-3rd/



Rainbow cows are not Real, and are a scam.

This is cow is Sad.  Because its hungry for your brains.  This is a scam, Avoid it like the Plague

So once again some scumbags are trying to ruin your Farming lives and who knows what else.  The Rainbow cow is not real.  But its spreading like wildfire because people again blindly click without checking the most obvious thing that gives up the clue its fake.  So again watch the youtube video below and be more informed.  Plus you get to hear what I sound like, and if you would like, You are allowed to mock me.

The Only step required to see if something is real or fake: Place your cursor on the Photo,  If it says ANYTHING OTHER THAN "apps.facebook.com/onthefarm/etc" ITS A SCAM AND EVIL!

Share and hopefully you can educate some of your friends and help wipe out these doodoo heads.