A new “fun” way to earn Rewardville zPoints!

In an effort to make you play more games you likely do not care about, Rewardville has added a Bingo Game!

Also the placement of your 9 game choices and which choices you get will change each day it appears.

Get 3 in Row, and Win some zPoints.  And each day you do this the amount goes up.

Is anyone still mucking with Rewardville?  I gave up on it quite a while back.


The FvNation ChatRoom: A Place to make Friends!

So many folks are not aware of this, the Chatroom is actually older than the original FVNation blogspot weblog.  And even here over 500 days since its founding, it is the best thing about the site.  Friendly folks, some of the wisest players, and some of the funniest jokes.

Now A few folks don't get along in the chatroom, and that's, its clearly not intended for them.   Here is one such example

Click to see in fullsize if you cant read.

Now if you are worried about the chat room being mean or rude.  The thing is, you get what you give.  If you are respectful and not demanding, you will get treated with respect.  In my experience some of the finest people I've had the honor of knowing. 

Now its not busy all the time, but a good number of folks are generally around. 

Be aware, that there are 2 different chat pages, both linked to each other.  1 Works for Most all browsers, the other one is Internet Explorer Friendly

So Come on by the chat, and I guess either get banned or make friends!  More folks make friends than getting banned.

PS Happy Birthday Sir Q

Oh Noes! Cow Breeding Maybe Coming?

So earlier tonight the "Cows for a Brighter FarmVille" Fan page posed a question, that could be a hint at the future.


Source: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=question&id=197818600259850&qa_ref=ssp

Now I personally think this is an awful idea. Could this be why bulls have became pretty Hard to get?  Also What do you folks think?  Is Cow breeding needed?  Do we really need the ability to make the rainbow of each pattern of a cow?  Would it be exciting to have a Yellow, Green, Pink, or Orange Normal Cow?  Oh wait…

And you know the price of "special bulls" and Patterned Cows would be INSANE in the market.  Cows are a Big deal in FV Cash World.  And this would be another thing to use Potions, and have the ability to break and cause more headaches than possible.  The Current Cow and Calf Situation I think has worked mostly well since day one.  But Zynga has shown once they find a win (sheep Breeding), they will run it into the ground (Pig Breeding, Other future animal breeding). 

And you may be wondering why I used the candy Cane Cow as the icon for the post, well that's because that Cow in my mind is completely insanely funny.  Its the red ears and the red behind the head, its like wearing some sort of hat thingy.