Updated post.Gagaville: Could the whole thing be US Only?

Its Frowning because its Sad.

Ok now this is one of those things that I kinda juggled with posting.  Its also one of those things that COULD CHANGE.  However, I've decided to post it.

If you have been a long time NON-US Player, you may have seen the message below when attempting to do some promo:

"Cascadian Farm Organic blueberries are only availably to players in the US."


"Sorry Farmer! The Stouffer's promotion is limited to US users only You've been awarded 100 coins instead"


Now here comes the Info that I kinda was on the fence about posting. 

1) The Loading Screen says US and Canada on the Free Unicorn with GIftcard Purchase

2) The following line of code is in the game code:

"Sorry Farmer! The GagaVille promotion is limited to US users only. You've been awarded 100 coins instead."

I'm not sure why Zynga would write that into the game, if the Customer Support Reps and Forum mods are Saying the GagaVille Promo will be open to all players and that the Non-US Players can get the Free Unicorn as well.

So the Game Says the Gagaville is US Only and the Unicorn as Listed as US and Canada Only.  The rest of the world is left out in the cold.  Could this change, Yes.  Will it change, I dunno there isnt but 2ish days till the promo goes live.

What are your thoughts?  Remember this COULD Change, or IS how it will be.

Updated: 1) the Gagaville coming soon screen appears to be showing up in most of the world.

2) The Rio promo Was worldwide as best we know.

3) Its likely just Copy Paste.  Signs point to at least the majority of the promo as being world wide, The Unicorn MAY still be US/CAN only.

“Lady Gaga” Unicorn Limited to the US And Canada? Plus More Gagaville News.

So this nice little loading screen turned up earlier, and confirms what we posted the other day, that you get the Unicorn when You redeem a 25 dollar Card from Best buy.  Sadly this offer appears to be limited to the US and Canada.  Now this could mean the cards to get the Unicorn are only sold in the US/CAN, or the cards are to get the Unicorn are only sold in the US/CAN PLUS can only be redeemed by US/CAN IP Addresses.  Kinda like the 7-11 Promo.  If it is possible for Non US Folks to redeem and get the Unicorn, I will do what I can to help out those that need help.

Also There could be as many as FOUR GagaVille Crops, and likely a Very Shiny Cow and Calf, and just a whole mess of stuff, but it seems like maybe only one set of trees.  A bunch of animals and Decos.  We will have much more to show you soon, we will not exactly what all items will be Buyable for the player, vs just for looks on the GagaVille Farm. 

A Sneaky Market Update, More Scotland Stuff

It appears with Gaga Ville stuff going on, the normal "Sunday Night" update, mostly already happened, around 1:40 PM Eastern Time.  So here is a brief over view of whats up.  Don't buy the Red Pine its the Level 2 of the Scots Pine.  The Westie is just a normal Animal, it doesnt have the dog like functions.  (think more Corgi than previous dogs), Lake Nessie is a Reissue. 

Scams are quick these days, Fake Giant Gem Tree

Clearly bull.

Some folks never learn, this is total bullcrap currently there is no legit way to get the Giant Gem or the Regular Gem Tree.

Please stay safe farmers.

I actually looked closer at this scam, Not only is it bullcrap, The little piece of crap that created the app used one of my images hosted on my server.  So This may result in the WaterMarking being a lot darker.  And some countries may be banned from viewing the site.  I am semi pissed and will be having some sort of response very soon.


These things seem to crop up whenever new unreleased shows up, or when some jackfool uses paint to design fake animals/trees/whatever.

Possible Future Contest “Lady Gaga” Horse

Purple "Lady Gaga" HorsePurple "Lady Gaga"

Now I've had a few people ask about these Horses, and say they are just super awesome.


If these are an actual Market Item, that are Cash.  And not magically in some Mystery game (which Is doubtful)

We Will give away some of these!

So how should we give these away (if we can)?

Throw out your thoughts on a good contest, and share, and we will see what we can come up with.

We may try to do some more stuff once it becomes clear what can be done.

Remember Sharing posts is awesome, and shows your feelings towards us.  And in Full Disclosure.  The more you share, the more the site may grow, the more the site grows, the more contests for you the fan.

More Unreleased, May 13th

I included the Horse animation just because well, its something else.

And Here is a few more things for ya

Spark Rose MeadRose Flame CandleCrystal Mist WineShiny Daisy Cake

There are Signs for Craft levels 1 , 2, 3, 4, and 5.  I only posted the Level 5.  The most interesting thing, this confirms the Other flower on the Loading screen for the Coming soon Gagaville on the lower right side, is another Special "Lady Gaga" crop!  The Shiny Daisy or some such.

Also here is a fence, I bet Farrah would love this

Neon Pink Fence