The complete Recap of May 26ths Unreleased


Chrome DuckChrome PegasusChrome PonyPlace Holder for Chrome Pony Foal

Irish Kerry CowIrish Kerry CalfIrish Hunter HorseIrish Hunter Foal


Chinese Strawberry TreeChinese Strawberry Tree MasteryIrish Strawberry TreeIrish Strawberry Tree Mastery


Irish FarmhouseIrish CottageIrish Gnome GirlNext Weeds Mgame ImageChrome Fountain
Red ValerianFox Glove BedIrish WaterfallChrome GnomeMossy Bridge
Bedazzled Cottage TwineBedazzled Cottage HammerBedazzled Cottage Concrete

Some thoughts:

1) Its likely the Mgame is gonna be A Chrome Theme with I'd not be surprised if these 5 items were in there plus an old thing (or they make something else to put in there)

Chrome GnomeChrome FountainChrome DuckChrome PegasusChrome Pony

2) Looks like we Get to Build some sort of Bedazzled Cottage.  Not sure if its gonna be something that is a Building without a Purpose or a Building with a Reason, Leaning towards No Reason.

3) The Irish Theme Is coming Roaring back

4) Some animals look similar to old with this Welsh Cow looking really similar to the new unreleased Irish Kerry CowLikely there is some critter from the past that looks like the new unreleased Horse.

5) Likely the Chrome Pony Foal image will change, because that Chrome Pony Foal not so Chromey.