“Lady Gaga” Album Winners.

For the Last time, I Still have no idea what she is doing in this photo?

Here at the Names of the folks that were the Ultimate Winners AKA They get the Download code for the "Lady Gaga" Album "Born This Way"

  1. Starlight
  2. Bonnie
  3. Nutty
  4. Traci
  5. is on hold for now, in case one of the other codes doesn't work. 

So congrats to you folks that I've picked, I'll send a message to you in the way that is easiest, so Hopefully your email address is correct and not asdf@asdf.com.

Zynga Tries to Copy Me, Semi Fails. RE: Sale Prices

And for Extra Bonus Fun, one farmer just messaged me to say his sale Prices are now missing.  Nice Job Zynga.

So the other day I gave folks a heads up on a number of items in the market were no longer were going to be on sale…  Since Zynga kinda forgot to tell its players.  So I took it upon myself to throw out a post about it.  I even went to the Forums and attempted to spread the word. http://forums.zynga.com/showthread.php?t=1054766

Well They get the  "Lebron James Star" of the day, Because well, they decided to tell folks when the next batch of sale stuff ends.  But sadly they have published multiple ending times.

The Above 2 screen shots were Just taken at 10:45 PM June 13, 2011.  And are from 2 Fan pages ran by Zynga.


Now my Research suggests that there may be 25 hours left on the sale, but Zynga May flip it around and it end in about an hour.

So if you want

  1. Giant Red Gem Tree
  2. Pink Whisper Willow
  3. Purple Bubble Gum Tree
  4. Red Gem Tree
  5. Blue Ponytail Horse
  6. Giant Purple Bubble Gum Tree
  7. Purple Bedazzled Horse
  8. Purple Pegasus

The time to buy is SOON.

Thanks for throwing out mixed Signals Zynga.  

A few sneaks from Zynga

Lets look at what this is telling us of

"Vintage LE Items" We already Spoiled this with the news that certain things are coming back for a Single Day. http://www.fvnation.com/2011/06/a-sneak-peek-at-the-future-and-its-kinda-neat/

"Farmville Meetups" These things are pretty Fun, if you want to get together with a bunch of folks and well play Farmville? 

"Birthday Quests" Yeah we also Kinda spoiled this toohttp://www.fvnation.com/fvnmark/fvnmark/fvn002499.png Sadly we do not know the Quests yet, but the choice of the Cake Crop seems very hinty..  Hopefully not that would be super scumbaggery of Zynga to only allow those that paid cash for the crop to play.

Now that "Special Mystery Game" could be super interesting…  Who knows

"Sneak Peek"  Is Zynga gonna start linking to fvnation.com?  Hopefully, lol Not really It appears soon we get to throw up a background on our home farm similar to the English Countryside's Rolling hills


I wonder if anything interesting is going to happen tonight 😉

Edys/Dreyer’s Crop Slow Roll Out?

Thanks to Craigers for these market Images and the crop planted, these appear to be a slow roll out, so Keep checking your market.


1000 Total Plots to get mastery.

Pretty Neat, I may go get a box of these tomorrow, I'm hungry now.

If you are International Keep checking for that Dreyer's Crop.

These are the Locations that *should* have the Edy's Crop:
Alabama American Samoa Arkansas Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Federated state of Micronesia Florida Georgia Guam Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Marshall Islands Maryland Minnesota Michigan Massachusetts Mississippi Missouri Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Palau Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Virgin Islands Wisconsin West Virginia Vermont

The US States/Possessions not listed above *should* have the Dreyer's Crop.  And Early Word suggests the rest of the world *may* have the Dreyer's Crop.

The only differences will be

  1. The Sign has a different Name
  2. The Name of the Crop.
  3. Some folks that figure out how to do both will get both signs and their "Green Thumb" ribbon Number will be higher