A few sneaks from Zynga

Lets look at what this is telling us of

"Vintage LE Items" We already Spoiled this with the news that certain things are coming back for a Single Day. http://www.fvnation.com/2011/06/a-sneak-peek-at-the-future-and-its-kinda-neat/

"Farmville Meetups" These things are pretty Fun, if you want to get together with a bunch of folks and well play Farmville? 

"Birthday Quests" Yeah we also Kinda spoiled this toohttp://www.fvnation.com/fvnmark/fvnmark/fvn002499.png Sadly we do not know the Quests yet, but the choice of the Cake Crop seems very hinty..  Hopefully not that would be super scumbaggery of Zynga to only allow those that paid cash for the crop to play.

Now that "Special Mystery Game" could be super interesting…  Who knows

"Sneak Peek"  Is Zynga gonna start linking to fvnation.com?  Hopefully, lol Not really It appears soon we get to throw up a background on our home farm similar to the English Countryside's Rolling hills


I wonder if anything interesting is going to happen tonight 😉