The 3rd Gnome was.. AKA Ironwood Winners

Well the answer is somewhat a tie, I know one technically showed up in game before the other one, but on December 1st, 2009 the following 2 Gnomes Showed up.

The Platinum Gnome from the Mystery Box and the Elf Gnome from the Free Gifts.

Santa and Ms Claus didn't show up until the 3rd.

And I picked a total of Seven People to win.  Since well 4 seemed to low.

Then 2 of the people I could clearly see were not fans of my site on FB, but were of other Less Quality Sites.   So they were able to snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory. 

Micki U
Elle S, Would have won, but on her list of likes was not Farmville Nation.
Rita M.
Devin D.
Maurren D. would have won, but on her list of Like was not Farmville Nation.
Sarah M.
Robyn H.


So there it is, See ya in about an hour and a half for the update!