Zynga Learned a Couple New Magic Tricks, 2 new Agricultural Alchemy Items!

Whatever this duck is a cooking, it don't look a so good.  Also why is this Duck wearing a blue outfit, while the Wizard Duck is Wearing Purple.  Anyway, you got a day, if you need these items get them.  If you don't need them, well I'm not sure what sort of Farmville you are playing 😉

Note: I'm not buying any of the Magic Goodies.

The 3rd Gnome was.. AKA Ironwood Winners

Well the answer is somewhat a tie, I know one technically showed up in game before the other one, but on December 1st, 2009 the following 2 Gnomes Showed up.

The Platinum Gnome from the Mystery Box and the Elf Gnome from the Free Gifts.

Santa and Ms Claus didn't show up until the 3rd.

And I picked a total of Seven People to win.  Since well 4 seemed to low.

Then 2 of the people I could clearly see were not fans of my site on FB, but were of other Less Quality Sites.   So they were able to snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory. 

Micki U
Elle S, Would have won, but on her list of likes was not Farmville Nation.
Rita M.
Devin D.
Maurren D. would have won, but on her list of Like was not Farmville Nation.
Sarah M.
Robyn H.


So there it is, See ya in about an hour and a half for the update!

Trading Part, Multiple Roll out.

So It appears some folks Have no Trading Post.

Some Folks have a Trading Post, that Does Nothing.

And some lucky folks have a Fully Working Trading post.

The Ones that have a working one seemingly get to order goodies from their friends as seen in this screen shot

We are working on finding out more, to keep you farmers better informed. 

So the Trading Post is out for more folks, Still Doesnt do much of anything

The Trading Post is Still a Slow Roll out, but so far Doesnt appear to do much.  Plus wither is turned off.  Because Zynga has finally realized something is messed up.

Hopefully this will be up and going soon, could be interesting…

Also The unwither Ring Contest is going well, some of the answers that have been not exactly right have made me giggle.  So Props to you folks. 

The June 2011 FVNation.com Unwither Ring Contest Is Here

Ok Here it is. 

5 Items in this photo, each Numbered.

3 are Characters: Which means that's what I want you to answer.

1 is a Food Item: Just say what it is, Make sure to Include the Flavor

1 is a Logo for something, Write what its a logo for.

Comments go on this post.

Also Share.

Don't Complain about the items in the Photo.

Monday night at 11:59 PM Blog Time (aka Eastern Time) Is the End Time.

The folks that get all 5 Right will be randomly drew and 1 will get the Ring.

If no one gets all 5, then Everyone that enters will go in the Random Draw.

Good Luck.

Any questions leave them as Comments.


Who wants an IronWood Tree? Well Get one for Free, if you win.

Simple Question, what was the 3rd Gnome Ever released in FV.  4 people that get the answer right between now and 9:00 PM will get the tree.  PS: The Amount of time between the 3rd and 4th gnome is so Small, that both the 3rd and 4th Gnome will be accepted.


Of course you enter by COMMENTING ON THE SITE and SHARING THE POST.  The Day there is more Comments than Shares, on a contest that says to share and comment, is the day I quit doing contests. 

Good luck



Ps: The Unwither Ring Contest Photo I'm about finished with and will be uploading shortly!

Farmville is still a Bit Wonky.

As best I can tell, Zynga really isn't really got all the muckups out of the game they introduced last night.  So far I've got reports of people Getting 4 to 92 Farmcash when Plowing/Buying Items in the market.  But of couse it doesn't stick.

Some folks have leveled up 10 times for the same Level.

Some Crops Reappearing after harvesting.

Farmcash Level Dropping.

Items Vanishing.

So if you do Risk rolling the dice on loading your farm, Take Screen Shots so if anything goes missing (cash, Levels, Items etc)  you will have some ammo to take to Customer Service.


So I can't say for 100% the game is not gonna muck you up right now.  Its one of those Take it into your own hands sort of thing.

The Wildwest Returns, Game Acting less Crazy

So It only took 2 hours to "fix" the game.  It appears the game is also working a bit more "normal".

The Trading post still does, well nothing.  I'm not sure I'd say muck with Farmville right now, it may be a bit longer before it can be certain that things are fixed up.


We'll post whenever we get the word all is safe, or that Farmville is burning like Atlanta in "Gone With The Wind"