Trading Post Slow Roll out, Could be At fault?

So in both the Computer and IDevice version of the game, something is up with the Trading post.

Here are the Images that friend of the Site Lilo sent in for the I-app Game

And on the Computer

Could this be to blame?  Who knows, But Zynga really seems to have been hitting the sauce for their Birthday and made the game poop out a turd.  More so than normal.

Thanks Lilo.

Do not load your Farm

A number of reports are coming in of WEIRD stuff happening, including Farmcash Vanishing, and weirdness with Levels etc Happening, It may be wise to NOT load Farmville for Right now.  Some weird things are happening on the farm.

Sure you can still load it if you really want to, but I'd just suggest not doing so. 

More as we know it.

More Unreleased Gold Animals And Some news of sorts


Yeah There will be a Gold Mystery Game, with that Gold Stallion in it.


It appears Zynga was Careful just to remove the Old Wildwest things from the market, the Mystery box and the 2 new trees are there.

So Maybe the Wildwest stuff wasnt selling fast enough and they decided to get rid of it, or someone was working with an old file and updated, or who knows what, but lets slow clap for the awesome that is the Amazing Vanishing Wild West Theme.

EVEN MORE Bob’s Thoughts on the Broken Market etc..

Likely At FaultAlso likely at fault.


More Research with More Broken Farm folks, and the Fact that their Farms were Showing Edy's Crop (I'm in an Edy's Crop Area Currently) and that they lived in a Dreyer's Crop Area.  Pretty much seals it.

The Fruit Bar is at Fault!

Because of the efforts to prevent Farmers from planting "the wrong crop" they have Muffed the Market for a number of Folks.  Now this is likely due to the location of the farmers.  So If you are a Farmer with a broke market, that has a friend Elsewhere, that you trust, ask them to log in and see if they can plant.  And if they can plant, for likely a few hours post their logging in, You too can play, and then you will need them to login again once you lose the ability.

PS Contact Zynga And they likely will throw you the sign.  Or Both.

So in Short

Booo On You Zynga.  And the lack of Fixing it instead of ignoring your players…. More Epic…

Nice Going Zynga. 

“I Cant Plant!” “I cant load Market!” Thoughts from Bob’s Head

A Close Farmer friend told me about her broken Market, so I offered to look at her farm, so She gave me her facebook details, and I logged in, and loaded farmville, I would have never known there was an issue.  Everything Functioned as it should.  The only thing I can figure is maybe the Browser/Flash/Something related to her computer wasn't Jiving with FV.  Now Since I'm not a person that updates their software as soon as there is a new version.  But this is the 5th "Broken Market" farm I've looked at, and I've seen no issue, and I've trade with all 3 of the Main Browsers, and I'm Running Windows Vista (yeah I know… I have a Windows 7 Ultimate I'm likely gonna install and some point)


So It may be as simple as Some software on folks computer isn't getting along with FV.  Maybe trying to reinstall Flash, or trying another browser, or If possible Try another Computer?  I know this has to be the *worst* time in the "Farmville Year" to be struck with market/seeding/playing issues. 


I'm sympathetic to all with problems, and I hope that if you do miss out on stuff you want etc, that Customer Support comes through for you.

Of course if you do miss something you desire, that You pester the hell out of Live Chat until they say "our Bad here is your _____"

Don't let them ruin your fun!