Zynga, A New Low? Maybe so.

Want to master your crops and trees twice as fast forever? Then get the Platinum Mastery Statue!

Want to show how much you care about a friend? Then send the Platinum Mastery Statue!

For 300 Farm Cash, you can give yourself, or a friend, a permanent boost of double mastery points for every crop and tree harvested. One Platinum Mastery Statue is good for one farm, so if you want double mastery forever on both Home and English Countryside farms, you will need to purchase 2 Platinum Mastery statues.

Sorry, this statue will not work for animal masteries. Also, you will not get quadruple masteries on special weekend events.

This item is not storable or sellable and there’s a limited of 2 statue per person. You can, however, send multiple platinum statues to multiple friends.

I do know that a number of folks on the first day the statue was for sale, informed me it worked for both farms.  That they just needed one.  But now to help pour on the greed, no longer is that the case.

And they were smart enough to disable storing so you couldn't it from farm to farm as needed. 

Source: Greed and http://forums.zynga.com/showthread.php?p=9763502#post9763502


I suspect that this may be a measure against those folks that magically got dozens and dozens of statues via methods that are less than 100% legit.  But instead punishes the players who may be tempted to actually buy it.  Those folks with a bunch already have what they need.

This all feeds into my theory that Zynga is trying to punish players, and they keep doing it in a backwards way.  Maybe before they run off everyone they will get a clue.


Update: the Statue is still working on both farms for some folks, I expect Zynga is going to "fix" that fairly soon.

Sneak Peek at the Next update, plus some confusing news..

Flowery Fountain See this fountain.  Well it may be "free", the short version is that this may be a prize for a new Limited Collection, that may not be a normal collection.  It may be like how the Vineyard Horse is "free" in the Mystery Game.  It may be a reward for purchasing items in the Market.  This seems awful sketchy and hopefully changes.  Otherwise Zynga has lost all touch with their fan base.  It is a pretty Fountain though.

Here is the market screens we should see tonight, your thoughts?

Standard "rules" apply

Things could change before Midnight Eastern
Cow Has a Calf, Horse Has a Foal, And the Umbrella is the Level 2 Tree.

More on that whole Fountain thing later on when we know it.

A New Love Potion Scam. A heads up


This is fake.


So Some Scumbag, again has decided they want to be foolish and create a scam to bait folks into clicking, and spreading their crap. 

It takes folks to some sort of "nearmyfarm” Slot machine load of crap.

Many smart folks are falling for it, because they "check the numbers" which means placing the cursor on the "via Farmville" and it showing the app numbers.

We here at FvNation has said this is a FAIL for a Long time, because any app can easy spoof the real FV Numbers.  The only Surefire Hover way is the one I've outlined Dozens of times

People are too quick in just blindly clicking on any and everything that May or Maynot be legit.  In short no feed reward is that rare to risk ruining your computer/friends computer/giving away your identify/giving away your facebook password/etc.  All these scam apps are UP TO NO GOOD.

It takes maybe a Half a second before you click on something, to place the cursor over the photo.  I know some people are still thinking that "if it says via Farmville, it must be real" THIS IS UNTRUE!!  Almost Every well executed scam lately have said "via Farmville" 

So Here once again, is how to actually know what is going on, what the video, and if you have any questions leave them as a comment on this post

Yeah its this post again, Come on folks this crap is popping back up, and I'm seeing so many folks that are just blindly clicking, Remember the Hover!

I mean come on folks, this is not like flying a zeppelin hard.  It takes just a moment, Hover the Photo, read the status bar.  Easy Pease.  And yes, I included the Love Potion Icon, so maybe some of you that love clicking anything that looks like a love potion will click and educate yourself and your friends.

Read, Understand, Share.

Zynga Learns a new Trick, Small Chickens.

So far Zynga has shown that if something is Semi Popular they will run it so far into the ground and break it off.  For example.

Crops started out just as Crops to plant and Harvest, Then We could Master them, Then with the Greenhouse we could Breed Them, then they started mucking with the size and now with the Super We have Giants.

Trees started out just as Trees to place and Harvest, Then We could Master them, Then with the orchard we could Breed Them, then they started mucking with the size and We have Giant Trees.

Animals started out just as Animals to place and Harvest, Then with buildings we could Breed Them, then the Animal Mastery started to show up, and finally they are now mucking with animal size and there is this Small Chicken.

Sure we have had Mini Horses, but those are actually not just Tiny Horses.  But this new Small Chicken (which I hear is still giftable via the i-app, and certain random folks can gift them via the normal browser app) is actually the same art just shrank.  I wonder when the Mini Trees, Mini Crops, and Giant Chickens are coming.  Laziness.  But I Secretly want a Giant and Small Cow of Brown.  And maybe an assortment of Giant and Small Turtals.

And Rumor has it, the Chicken in the 2nd Raffle quest was Going to be the Small Chicken, But looks like they mucked that up.

See how it says "lil' fella"

The Egg this critter is intended to produce is just the regular White Egg.  No news yet if the Small Chicken is found in the White Egg or not.