Cash and Cows A few common FV$ related Complaints/comments.

Since there has actually been a response to this, there will be a Follow up addressing a few more things that are interesting.  So stay tuned.  And keep throwing out your thoughts, Its interesting to hear what folks think.

Because I guess I enjoy people getting mad at me, I rounded up a few Farmcash Related questions I saw, and answered them in a Logical rational way.  I suspect the end result will be rage from humans saying I'm a sell out because I have a thought that isn't "IT SHOULD ALL BE COINS!!?!?!@?#!?!?!@#?!"

So on to the questions…  All of these I've seen in some form or another semi recently.

Question 1) "Why can't I use my coins to buy farmcash?"

Answer 1) Well in short any price they placed on the conversion, for example 2 billion coins for 1 cash, both the Wise Players and the Cheaters could Get this Fairly Easy.  And likely Cheaters have dozens of Farms, so if it was limited to 1 cash a week they still would take advantage of the system. Maybe they could sell 1 cash once a Year for 10 coins, but people would complain that wasn't enough.

Question 2) "Why isn't everything coins, I have bills to pay I can't afford farmcash?"

Answer 2) I like you have bills, as do the people that work for Zynga on Farmville, the people that say all the stuff should be coin, seem to think that Zynga is not a Business.  Well the news of the Day is that Zynga = Business.  They want your Cash.  The provide a basic game that requires ZERO MONEY to play.  You can farm and do whatever you want without ever spending a penny.  But if you want the "premium goods" Likely money will need to be spent.  Its kinda like how people say "going to the movies costs 50 dollars!" when what they mean is going to see a Movie Costs X Dollars, but when you buy Soda, Candy, Popcorn, Nachos etc for Y, that X+Y=50 dollars. 

Question 3) "How can I get Farmcash Items without buying them?"

Answer 3) I guess this is a Simple one, you can ask your friends, go lie to the live chat customer support, create fakebooks to send yourself crap, or keep leveling up and use the cash they grant you.  Or I guess you could just plain old cheat.

Question 4) "Why Zynga so greedy, I'm level 1183 and I only got cash for the first 250 levels, scam!"

Answer 4) That's mighty impressive that you leveled so high so quickly, I'm surprised Zynga raised the Level cap on cash to 250, But I suspect it will be a long while before it goes any higher.

Question 5) "How does Zynga expect us to get everything if we don't buy farmcash"

Answer 5) They don't expect you to, they also likely don't want you to.  If you want it, buy it. 

Question 6) "Why aren't old animals brought back for coins?"

Answer 6) Well they already get enough flak for when they give away an animal via some means that was a former cash Item.  Imagine the rage boiling point if old stuff came back as coins on a regular basis, the people Zynga REALLY CARES ABOUT (the free players) Would likely quit buying, and that would be bad for everyone.  Its like the Movie theater analogy above, the theater kinda hates me, because I go see movies, but I don't stock up at the snack bar.  But they Love those folks that buy the mega ultra combo for 30 dollars.

Question 7) "It sure sounds like your pro-zynga with your comments Bob?"

Answer 7) Sometimes rational answers are the easiest.  I am not Pro-Zynga,  I am pro-Common Sense.  "But Bob I dont wanna pay for pixels!" Then Uh Do without?  Do you think pixels just magically appear?  Behind every thing in Farmville, even the recolored is likely a number of folks, with families. 

When I buy Farmcash I do not imagine any of it going to Mark Pincus, or Grimwell etc.  But that it goes to pay the people that draw the trees I so very much enjoy.  And Just to show you there is some good in the world, if people actually read this post they'll find this line about a free 10 dollar gift card from Jenzie that I'll be giving away to someone who comments on this post and actually makes a rational point.m  aybe I am part of the problem since I buy cash for my own personal use, and to gift things to others.  But facts are facts, Farmcash is likely not ever going the way of the dodo.


So Short Version if you dont feel like reading.

Don't ever expect to trade coins for any sizeable amount of cash.  And Don't expect Farmcash to go away.  Those are the breaks.

Anyway those are some of my thoughts, what are yours?  No one will be "put on blast" for their Opinions.  (whatever that means)