Lets Talk Plush Farmville Animals + In Game Versions

This is what We know.

1) The Price for one Box Barn will be $12.95. 

2) In each Box Barn you will find an Anti Tamper Foil Package.  And a Card.

3) The Animal you will get is random.  Likely there will be some slight weight differences in the boxes, if not even some sort of Secret notices on the box of the contents.

4) With each Real life Animal you get, You also get the Ingame version and 10 Farmcash.

5) Mid next week you should be able to get some sort of Buy a $25.00 Giftcard and get a Plush for $0.99.

6) If you get the Plush Calf, You can grow it into an adult for: 34 Cash

7) If You get the Plush Mini Horse Foal, You Can grow it into an adult for 25 Cash.

8) All of the animals are Exclusive Commons, Meaning they *shouldn't* be growing from your friends shared bundles, and only coming from Your bundles based on you have the critter in your Habitats.

9) All 8 of the Animals are Masterable.  The 2 Babies are not Masterable At this point.

10) These are out in the wild some places, but not most.

11) It appears these *may* be for the US and Maybe Canada.

12) Here is an image found via the Google Image Search showing the Pigs and a number of unopened boxes.

I'm not sure the Artwork Was translated well into plush.


If people are interested I can maybe see about getting some to give away/share/something.  What are your thoughts on the whole thing?