Let’s Put the Fun in Fund Raiser! Or some such.

I had this idea, that's kinda fun….

And to make it easier I'll explain it via the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How sort of breakdown.

What: Its a Fundraiser for site costs+to be able to increase the amount Donated to a Specific charity at the end of the year (THe money from Thanksgiving, the Friday after and part of this funds,  to a charity that was suggested by someone on the fan page)

Who: Well It'd be you, our loyal visitors!

Why: Because It seems like a pretty neat idea, and itt'll help the site and a good cause, plus all those that participate will end up with at least 1 (if not more) Unique Collectibles.  (Don't laugh!)

When: Well My timeline for the next few days, hopefully will line up with a post completely outlining things on Sunday/Monday (With Plush Info Being Sent Sat/Sun to those that were interested, Classes and Coughing Delayed me)

Where: well this one is fairly straight forward, here, on this website.  And Well Paypal as well.

How:  Well There is going to be an Item, that is (wait for it….) ……. Autographed by Bob.  Yes.  What you are buying is an Autographed Limited Edition Numbered Item (that some will have some extra value more than just my Autograph)…

More Will be up Fairly soonish, but the short version is some lucky folks will end up with a "Collectible" Bob Autographed item and some Farmcash.  Plus people will be helping out the chosen charity, plus the site.  Its really a win win win scenario.

AND At least 1 Friend of the Site has offered to help sponsor the epic that is this one, so that's pretty neat.