I Completed a Quest and Got a Book, Whats up?

So a lot of people are not super familiar with the workings of the XP Book, so I decided it wise to toss out a post about things.

When it comes to being a Market Item, the XP Book I believe is kinda well Insane.  Buying Xp for Cash to gain levels, seems just counter Productive.

Basically in short the best plan for using the XP Book for its maximum useage, is to wait until JUST after you level up (if you are at least level 101, or wait till being Level 101)

Its nothing more than a buff to your XP Level, and the amount of XP you get is based on the level you are on.  So Max use is waiting until level 101 as you cross over.

You can sell it for I think Zero Or Five Coins.

I know some people seem very thrilled with this item, others not as much.