Lets try this again. Bob Doesnt Equal Zynga.

This exchange on the fanpage made me feel like I needed to point out, that I am STILL not Zynga.  I wonder how much her farm will be sold for.  I feel bad when I point out that I'm not the all powerful Oz (zynga) that people seem to magically think I am.

What is decussed?

I know for most folks this is clear. 

But I get a number of emails a day yelling at me for any number of things.

Stuff being for Farmcash.  Needing to add neighbors for Coin Expands.  Not "fixing" the game.  Etc.


Zynga is a Huge company Ran by Mark Pincus.

Fvnation.com is a fairly small website ran by BobSmith007.


Bob is a College Student with a net worth of Negative Dollars.

Mark Pincus is an entrepreneur with a net worth of $850 million.


Bob Cares about your game play and tries to help in every way he can.

Zynga cares about your money and tries to get as much as they can.


So Please quit yelling at me as if I'm Zynga.

PS: I like Farmville, Thus in a way I like Zynga.  I do not agree with all they do, but for the most part, I owe them much gratitude because its because of them I know some of the humans I do.  So If it appears I'm downing Zynga, I'm really not.  I to a degree hope my suggestions/call outs of Zynga will affect how they do things.  And please if you are going to send me an email, please remember things like "b4" and "w8" and other "text lingo" isn't really quite etiquette for emailing.