Free Spring Pegasus* (there is a Catch, don’t get too excited)

So lets just get the pesky info out of the way. 

1) This Pegasus Is intended for the Mystery Game the 2nd week of April.

2) The first of these animals didn't just MAGICALLY APPEAR IN THE GAME.  (take this to mean what you likely know what it means)

3) Some Farmers will verbally abuse other farmers for "Cheating" with Snackbars and the like, but when it comes to things like this, they line up to praise them.  Double Standard Much?

4) By My posting this, it's likely Zynga will fix their obvious mistake. 

5) Haters are going to hate.

So basically here is what you need to know.

  • Putting the Spring Pegasus in the Paddock, will Result in a Spring Pegasus Foal, when offspring occures.
  • Putting the Spring Pegasus in the Horse Stable with a Stallion, will Result in a Spring Pegasus, when offspring ocures.
  • The only ways to get the Spring Pegasus or Spring Pegasus Foal is either clicking posted rewards from friends, or not so totally legit ways (most of these ways are deemed "ok" by a bunch of folks because "They screw over Zynga")
  • Eh.

Both the Spring Pegasus and Spring Pegasus Foal are Invisible.