A New Bribe for allowing “loading Faster”

I suspect they are thinking if they save a lot of files on your computer, it will cut down on the amount of stuff that has to travel back and forth and improve your experience.  Or not who knows.  But its a Goat.  If you like Goats, I guess you should do it.  If not, then say no?  Its up to you.

Some Changes are coming to Fvnation.com, and I'm far from excited about them. 

Free Spring Pegasus* (there is a Catch, don’t get too excited)

So lets just get the pesky info out of the way. 

1) This Pegasus Is intended for the Mystery Game the 2nd week of April.

2) The first of these animals didn't just MAGICALLY APPEAR IN THE GAME.  (take this to mean what you likely know what it means)

3) Some Farmers will verbally abuse other farmers for "Cheating" with Snackbars and the like, but when it comes to things like this, they line up to praise them.  Double Standard Much?

4) By My posting this, it's likely Zynga will fix their obvious mistake. 

5) Haters are going to hate.

So basically here is what you need to know.

  • Putting the Spring Pegasus in the Paddock, will Result in a Spring Pegasus Foal, when offspring occures.
  • Putting the Spring Pegasus in the Horse Stable with a Stallion, will Result in a Spring Pegasus, when offspring ocures.
  • The only ways to get the Spring Pegasus or Spring Pegasus Foal is either clicking posted rewards from friends, or not so totally legit ways (most of these ways are deemed "ok" by a bunch of folks because "They screw over Zynga")
  • Eh.

Both the Spring Pegasus and Spring Pegasus Foal are Invisible. 

So The Stable, has got a bit more useful.

So if you have a Stable, and a bunch of Winged Horses (and some others), basically it's been a Good day in Farmville for you.  (maybe, I make no promise it was a Good day, in fact it could have been awful!)

So for awhile a number of Horse Critters were making the incorrect offspring in the stable, which seemed to be on purpose…  (I remember when the paddock coming out some message about Stables Not working with newer Horses, seemingly the backlash from the players kiboshed that idea…)

So about 20 more of the Horses now squirt out the right Foal in the stable.  So Hoo-ray?  (clearly the money raked in from Horse Sells must have been down since the paddock release) 

Here are a few of the foals now possible to get from the stable..

Onwards and upwards?

Kit’s Love of Dinos!


 Well you may have been able to tell from some of posts, but I have a love for dinosaurs! Anyways, I'm very excited for these Dinosaurs and I can't wait to show my nephew this weekend. The animations are soooooo cute!! The T-Rex jumps up and stomps the ground, the Stegosaurus looks like hes letting out the cutest little roar, the Pterodactyl flies around, etc. Anyways, here is a pic of this first installment of Dinosaurs to Farmville, complete with me as Pebbles 😉


Shout out to my mom, and she will know why 🙂