Motto Escapade 1. You got like 2 hours to do this.

For some reason beyond most understanding, Zynga started rolling out the Motto stuff just a few hours before the first one expired.  Well played.

You look at the dogs house to see how much time you got left, These all expire at Midnight, so be mindful of the time remaining.

Anyway you do what the dog demands of you.

Then You get a reward.

Easy Peasy if it works right.

Master Motto, what you need to knowwo.

So there is this dog, and he wants twenty of your cash.  So what do you get in return!

Well You get to do some Annoying Escapades.  And get some Prizes, including a Pig-o Token.  Plus you get a Free Monkey King.  More on the escapades in a bit.

What else you get happens to be unlocked market stuff.  Note if you wait for the Free Access, you will get the stuff for free, if you wanna get the prizes/Monkey King/ Jump on the Crops etc, you gotta pay.

30 Items in the market unlock when you pay the dog his money.  You get 4 New level 1 trees, 3 animals, 12 Crops, and some other stuff.


Is it worth it..

Do you pay for Pig-o? Do you like Floating Monkeys?  Do you like annoying friends with requests for escapade missions that MAY not work right?  IF SO then you should be all over this like stink on a monkey.

If you normally only Pig-o when Free.  And don't have a thing for Floating Monkeys, Save your cash.  The 30 Market goods are intended to be released to the general public in a little while.


Ok as you can see from the below image the Master Motto Jade Falls expansion is rolling out.

You can also tell from the back ground I'm on my HOME FARM.

I clicked to Buy, and now my Travel Menu is BLANK.  I can not move farms.

I've refreshed a half dozen times, and tried different browsers.  I'm stuck at home.

Wonk Wonk.

Good News is, an Enhance messaged just popped up and now I can move around.  So Maybe they have already tweaked this screw up, just be careful on buying the access if you are on Non Jade Farms.

How to Get Unlimited Sunshine Dog Treats If you are Really Bored.

So lets go over the basics:

You likely need to use Chrome or Firefox for this.

You do not need Auto Posting Enabled.

See these 2 images if you are not sure what auto posting is.

Step 1 Have a completed Doghouse

Step 2 Click the Ask for Treats Button:  The popup Comes up:

You gotta copy the link from the post, and then cancel it, easy peasy.  Paste it to your buddies to click, the ones I did were good for 3 clicks each.

And here is where I started, and where I got to in less than 10 minutes, And I was going slow due to my computer hating me.

If you have questions, I'll try to answer them.  Share away this likely will get fixed if its possible to do.