Oh, more Colors of Combines, for Cash!

So the previous two cash only combines must have went over well, because we got 3 more hitting now!

Cash wise, these are not cheap toys. 
Blue does 36 Plots at once and costs 175 cash
Green does 49 Plots at once and costs 225 cash
Orange does 64 Plots at once and costs 275 cash

And here they are in action:

Now Are they worth the price?  Absolutely Not.  Unless you just have a thing for combines.  Which sounds very creepy.

Why no early Quest Notices for the new hawaii Questline?

So basically Hawaii Chapter 10 snuck up on all of us.  And generally most everything is spoiled before release, so what happened here?  Well Zynga, released the quest at the same time they enhanced the game.  Which doesn't happen often.  Generally stuff is known for at least a few days first.  So that is why no one in the Fan Community, posted early about this Questline.  With Yesterdays Late Change to the Quest, and today's slippery release, one must wonder if Zynga is tired of all the free publicity/attention about the game. 

And The Drive to End Hunger Pay to Give event has started!

With yesterday's Quest fun,  I'm sure it was hard to miss the post we had on the Drive To End Hunger, so here it is linked again.  But it's no longer coming soon, Its rolling out!  I already seen some Grumble that it costs real Money, and they can't use their cash from the Eggs/levelingup/dummy/whatever.  I just shake my head.

I plan to make sure all my favorite farmer buddies get the little Piggy, especially my Farmer buddy who's birthday is soon and loves pigs.  You know who you are Cotton.  See I don't hate you.

Motto Escapade 5. You got like 2 days to do this.

   So another Dog telling you what to do fun time!

You look at the dogs house to see how much time you got left, These all expire at Midnight, so be mindful of the time remaining.

Anyway you do what the dog demands of you.

Then You get a reward.

Easy Peasy if it works right.