Expected Mystery Game Prizes:

Like all info this is Subject to change, and is accurate as of the time of this post.

Well for this week, like a lot of recent weeks, we do not have a lot of images for you.  But we have names.

Crayon Horse
School House    
Student Chicken    
Teacher Gnome    
Mini Playground    
Apple Fountain    
Scholar Cow

The things you believe have offspring do.

More on the “Space Crops”,

These are Happening NOW!

Super "Space Crop" Smack Down!

1) These are "chain crops"  meaning you start with 1, and if you want to plant the next one you must master the first one.  The order Goes:
Mercury Melons
Aquarius Arugula
Cereses Carrots
Moon Flower
Aries Azalea
Venus Flytrap
Jupiter Juniperus
Apollo Aster
Celestial Camellia

2) Click to see Bigger.

3) These crops are intended to show up and be plantable on all farms! 

4) Here are a few of the Crop Mastery Numbers:
Apollo Asters 29630 Harvests for level 3 mastery
Jupiter Juniperus 14815 Harvests for level 3 mastery

5) Sadly no Space Farm, yet…  Maybe one day, we can hope.

6) Special Thanks to Agent K For the image.

7) They are rolling out now!

So a few questions have shown up about Space Crops, so here are the answers.

1) "Why can't I plant the Melons?"  Well the short and only answer is: Slow Roll out.

If you are curious what that means "Slow Roll Out" Is the term for one something is released in a rolling manner to players, sometimes Slow roll outs are completed in a day or week or so, and everyone has the new feature.  Sometimes Slow Roll Outs never seem to finish, like some folks still do not have at least a half dozen or more new farm game enhancements, such as Camera2.0, Search Dog, SBD2.0, different Travel Dialog, Prize Machine, Raffle Booth, Carnival Booth, Pig-o, etc.

2) "I was told by a source that is often wrong and smelly that you only need 2 Star Mastery on the Space Crops to move on, is this true?"  Well as you say that source is often wrong, and while I'm not sure if they smell bad or not, I would guess it is possible.  No you need 3 star Mastery.   Also someone said they wanted to know the level 3 Mastery number for all the crops, so I included all the signs below, the number below the sign is the number you need.



Any more questions I'll be happy to field them.


A Reason to Level up, well at least to Level 134!

If you do not have them yet, then they haven't yet slow rolled to you.

So Zynga heard people saying they wanted more Crops in the game.  And Some folks even said there needed to be a reason to level up, because the 1 cash per level just wasn't cutting it for them, and in the near future Zynga is releasing a mess of crops that meets all those demands!

So here are the New Crops, and what level you will need to be to plant them.

Crop Level
Lentil 100
Kidney Bean 102
Flax 104
Celery 106
Lettuce 108
Brussel Sprouts 110
Begonia 112
Yellow Marigold 114
Alfalfa 120
Buckwheat 122
Okra 124
Garlic 126
Kale 128
Green Bean 130
Goji Berry 132
Orange Marigold 134

And yes you maybe already have neighbors/friends that have mastered these or have bushels in their Market Stalls.  Well there is a reason for that.  Also the Goji Berry Here is NOT the same as the 7-11 Crop.  And if you are now wondering "what does 7-11 have to do with Farmville?" Boy do I have a history lesson for you.. 😉

Space Animals, It all starts with Mercury

With the same pattern as the Crops and newly released Trees, here is the order of which you do things.  Wow 10 new coin items!  Plus the offspring.  It is like they actually read the suggestions.  Check out the Price and order below and some more details will be hitting soon.


Mercury Rabbit Aquarius DuckCeres ChickenCapricorn SheepMoon StagAries RamVenus CowJupiter HorseApollo UnicornCelestial Pegacorn