Orchard Stuffing Reinstated on Hawaii Farm, The Voice of the Players Heard?!?

In what can only be considered a Win for the players, enough people voiced their unhappiness with the Orchard Changes that, they have Removed the changes from earlier today.  Also with this change they have REMOVED the Rainbow Gum tree from the Market. 

So At least for now, it appears the strong Negative Response to the Orchard Change was enough to make them change their Minds.  I know I saw a number of Posts elsewhere among the other Farmville News Sites, and it looks like the voice was loud enough, for now.

Well Done Community.

Hawaii Free Access rolls out more, some players start with no coconuts!

So Next step in this Attempt to Defeat the Players, I've had 2 Farmers report Even after Refreshing a number of times after getting their New Hawaiian Farm, they had ZERO Coconuts.  Well Played Zynga.  And by Well Played I mean, what drives a company to do everything they can to piss off and annoy their players? 

And while I was writing this 3 more have reported in.  So this will be interesting to see how it turns out.  And by Interesting I mean I could see this taking out another huge chunk of players.

The Next Step In The War on Coconuts! AKA No More Orchard Stuffing on Hawaii!

Oh Zynga you silly bunch of weasels.  You guys must REALLY WANT people to spend real money on Coconuts, because with the last "Enhance"  they added this AWESOME NEW FEATURE!

I'll let the pictures explain.


I added 2 trees and Lost 8% of readyness.  Thanks A lot Zynga, this sure is gonna level the Playing Field.  Since that is your reason for attempting to ruin Coconut doings.  Zynga clearly halted free Access while they worked to correct these "fairness issues"  Note: as of now It may only be on Hawaii the % drop happens.  I'm checking my home Farm, and will update the post in a bit. 

Edit: My Home, WW, EC and LHC Orchards still function how they used to.  For now.

I just sometimes have to shake my head and wonder how much longer before they run everyone off.

Bobs Suggestions for Chapter 2 Hawaii Questing.

So basically when I see a new quest I break it down into types of tasks, such as Building stuff, Requests, Animal Harvests, etc  This is basically how I would get ready to execute this questline assuming I didn't have access to the HP early.

The Things you can do to be prepared.

Building Stuffs:

Have the parts to Level up your Volcano to at least Level 3.

Have the Parts To Build an Island Livestock Pen

Have the Parts to Build an Island Aviary Pen

Have the Parts to Build at least 1 Aquarium. 

Request Items:

You can use these links to get a jump on things.  And knock out a full 1/3rd of the Quests Tasks!


If you have room you should start buying from your Friends the Following Bushels in these Quantities.
9 Hilo Pineapples, 6 Double Pikake, 9 Strawberries
36 Taro
3 Shrimp, 9 Yam, 9 Sugar cane
2 Yellow Fin Tuna, 8 Yellow Hibiscus, 4 Chickpea
2 Kelp, 4 Oyster, 4 Spinach

Yes you will get a number of these from your own harvests, but if you already have room getting them early isn't a bad plan.

Fall back use our bushel send links to get your friends to gift you needed bushels.

Animal Harvesting:
Clearly Throwing the Animals into Habitats to harvest speeds up things.  So you need to make sure Livestock, Aquarium, and Aviary on your Hawaiian Paradise to speed up your Questing.

That should help you with all the parts of the quest that is not just harvesting crops, and you can do that, you should be a pro at it by now. 

I believe This should help you Crush the Quests.  Good Luck!

How to become Coconut Rich, A simple List of Suggestions.

Well I think this 3rd Currency is one of the best ideas *ever* in Farmville.  So lets get to explaining a few things.

1) Once you get to Hawaii, You will be tempted to buy a Water Seeder, Water Harvester and Water Tractor.  I am pretty sure this is like flushing coconuts directly down the toilet, since you only have 10 Water Plots starting out.  So maybe Go manual PPH?
2) If you have a super orchard in your giftbox, Such as from the Plush Doings, a Full Super Orchard of Rainbow Gum Trees..  Or Just cycle the Level 2s through your Orchards on Other Farms.
3) In reference to the above, it does appear that Sometimes when you Harvest Coconut Items on other Farms (Trees, Animals etc) that the Coconuts are added to your total, I have noticed a few times that the Coconuts were not added.  So like most everything in Farmville if you look at the screen wrong, it may not work.
4) If you have a Stable and enjoy Stuffing it, I would suggest getting a hold of that Cremello Stallion Or any of the Hawaiian Horses, You should be able to be King of the Coconuts.
4a) Same as the Above but replace with Cow and Dairy Farms…
5) You Should Grab all the Aquarium Babies you can, Plus any of the offspring of Hawaiian Cows or Horses, to build up stockpile of the Coconuts.

More Things will be added to this, but this is just a start.

Trees that Harvest for Coconuts

  Just in case you are wondering: here is a list of the current trees that are set to harvest for coconuts. A lot of these trees have not been released yet, but I put them in here in so that if/when you find them in seedlings, you will know.


candle nut tree
celtic knot tree
choco macadamia nut tree
clover tree
dog treat tree
flip flop tree
giant celtic knot tree
giant clover tree
giant coconut
giant date tree
giant dog treat tree
giant flip flop tree
giant monkey pod
giant red coral
giant shamrock tree
hawaiian cherry tree
jaca tree
kamani nut tree
kou tree
macadamia tree
mokey pod tree
ohia tree
pink plumeria tree
purple wisteria tree
rainbow gum tree
red coral tree
red plumeria tree
sapphire dragon tree
shamrock tree
ulu tree
white gum tree
white plumeria
white wisteria tree
yellow magnolia tree
yellow plumeria tree

Once you get to Hawaii, Be VERY CAREFUL when Clicking the Volcano Reef

So those that remember, well they remember when the WW first rolled out the Train Station, ended up having things all flipped and reverse in the click menu, and people were losing cash by accidentally expanding.  Well They did this..

But It appears they remembered to include a CONFIRM popup, but that may not always happen, so be careful with your clicking, or you may end up without Cash.