FarmVille Podcast August 6th

They finally found the time to make a new podcast.
The important stuff in the coming soon section:
* next week old limited edition themes will come back, 1 theme each 24hours (we posted this info in our previous post , so this confirms it)
* next week a new Best Of animal mystery game, including the 'old' white owl


Next weeks limited edition re-releases:
Monday 8/09: Yukon and California theme
Tuesday 8/10: French Chateaux theme (including the new Camargue horse)
Wednesday 8/11: Adobe theme
Thursday 8/12: Tuscany theme
Friday 8/13: Island theme
Saturday 8/14: Japanese Garden theme

Sunday 8/15: UFO theme

A New Dog, a new powerup, and a podcast


Seems like most users got an enhance a few minutes ago that added a new dog to the mix, a St. Bernard. Instead of changing the color of the dog, you can change the color of his barrel. I suspect I know someone that will HAVE to get the pink one.
AND A Reason to have a beehive


The Magic Fertilize All item.
Also the Gem Collection has been Re-enabled.
Here is the link to the podcast
Its gibberish about the Crafting buildings with a short bit on new stuff.
  • Smaller Updates with more bug fixing
  • In Coming weeks more New England themes: Mini Horse, Coastal Beach, New England Mansion.

July 9th Podcast

New Mini game is introduced into tonights podcast along with the announcement of a Garage!


FarmVille Podcast – July 9th:

Hey Farmers, and welcome to this week’s installment of the Official FarmVille Podcast! My name is Lexilicious and I am here to bring you all of the latest news and information about FarmVille from Zynga. This week, we will be discussing our latest releases, I will be answering some questions from members of the FarmVille Community, and you guys will all be getting a sneak peek of things coming to FarmVille in the future.

Well, our releases this week really gave our players something to be excited about. On Tuesday, the long awaited 26 x 26 Land Expansion finally made its way to FarmVille, giving some well deserved leg room to all of our Farmers. The 26 x 26 Expansion can be purchased with Coins or Farm Cash. If you wish to purchase the 26 x 26 with coins, you must add 5 new Neighbors unless you are already at the limit of 300. You must also have a minimum of 35 Neighbors to purchase this expansion. If you meet both of the above requirements, you can expand your land for 2,000,000 Coins.

Alternatively, the 26 x 26 Land Expansion can be purchased for 80 Farm Cash from the “upgrade farm” section of the Market.

The new Swiss Alps theme has also been going strong this week, with over 15 new items now available in the Market for both Cash and Coins. If you have not already had a chance to take a look at these items, they are a great addition for Farmers who enjoy unique, nature inspired themes. Items like the new Swiss Alps, Evergreen Tree and the Bison are now available in the Market for a Limited time.

As part of the ongoing Swiss Alps theme, we have also released the new Limited Edition Alpine Roses crop. The Alpine Roses are a 10 hour crop that are available at level 29, cost 145 coins to purchase and yields 250 coins when harvested.

Now before I go ahead and get into answering some questions from the community, I want to give you guys a quick reminder about the FarmVille Sheep Fan Page. As part of an event we hosted a few months ago, players have the ability to unlock a never before released Sheep by becoming a Fan of our FarmVille Sheep Fan Page. Once the Sheep Fan Page reaches 2 million fans, we will release this new addition to the flock. Currently, the sheep fan page has 1 million nine hundred and ninety thousand fans, so we are only 10,000 fans away from seeing a new sheep added to FarmVille. If you would like to become a fan, a link to this page can be found in the description of this podcast.

Alright! And now it’s time to answer some questions submitted by members of the FarmVille community.

Our first question comes to us from MikeFord122.

“What is the FarmVille team's favorite limited edition special that you have had? And will there be more puppies to come in the future?”

To answer your first question, since there are so many members of the FarmVille team, it pretty much proved impossible for me to find a Limited Edition item that everyone could agree was their favorite. However, some of their favorite Limited Edition items were Nessie, the Cowboy Gnome, Drop Zone and the old White Owl.

To answer your second question, we will be periodically releasing more puppies in the future, since they are so popular with our community.
Our second question comes to us from ItsNicoleDude. “How far in advance does Zynga choose and design a theme before it's launched to all Farmers?”
Well, depending on the theme the time it takes to launch a new one can vary. With brainstorming, art, QA and development, it can take anywhere from two weeks to a month to get a new theme launched to all of our players.

And finally, our last question comes to us from chorikawa321.
“Can the Zynga team please bring the podcast back to iTunes? The last podcast on iTunes was December 11, 2009. I liked it when I could download the podcast and listen to it when I'm on the go.”

Well, the FarmVille Podcasts are typically hosted on YouTube. However, if you would like to listen to the audio file without going to youTube, you can now stream the FarmVille Podcasts from itunes.
However, we are still working on making the podcasts available for download. Our farmers on the go will be able to download the weekly podcasts once again in the near future.
And now it’s time for the part of the podcast I know you have all been waiting for… its time for a sneak peek of what will be coming to FarmVille in the near future.

Firstly, I know everyone has been eagerly awaiting the release of the Black Stallion. I am happy to let you know that the Black Stallion will be released next week as a new Mystery Animal.

And speaking of mysteries, a new Mystery Game will be making it’s way to FarmVille soon. This new mini game will allow you to get all new Limited Edition items when playing.

More Limited Edition Swiss items will continue to roll out over the next few weeks, including items like the Ibex, Matterhorn, and a new Gnome!
And lastly, the new Garage will be coming to FarmVille in the next couple of weeks, along with new tractors, harvesters and seeders. If you have not guessed it yet, the garage will provide storage for your vehicles and will allow you to make special upgrades to them. We will also be releasing special 3×3 harvesters and seeders as co-op rewards.

Alright folks, that’s it from me this week. Again, my name is Lexilicious I will be back next week to bring you all of the latest news and information from around the Farm. Happy Farming every body!

Podcast June 18th


Coming Soon:

* more Japanese Garden themed items including a buildable Japanese Barn
* you will be able to get Piglets from your friends by rescuing a lost Pig
* new Mystery Box wich will have "one your favorite feathered friends from a long time ago"

Click here if you want the read the transcript.

Podcast June 14th


Mentioned in the Coming Soon section:

* Wheat will be a 12 hour crop since its so important for crafting cottages, mastery numbers will be changed
* Dairy Expansions
* BEES are coming and a whole feature around them
* 2 Nursery Barns is ok, more than 2 you are playing with fire.

Here is the transcript incase you just seem to be unable to put up with listening to Lexi ramble on about unimportant stuff.

If you are not aware of the Nursery Glitch yet, read the official announcement:

Hi Farmers,
Since the release of Nursery Barns, a glitch has come to our attention that allows users to have more than one Nursery Barn.
This is not the intended functionality of this feature and the ability to have more than one Nursery is a glitch.
We are intending on fixing this issue in the future, however we have decided to allow users to have the ability to possess two Nursery Barns on their farm.
Please know that if you continue to take advantage of this glitch and choose to have more than two Nurseries on your farm, you are building at your own risk, as this issue will be addressed in the future. This fix may result in the loss of any Nursery Barns in excess of two.
We appreciate your patience and understanding with us during this time.
Happy Farming!“

TGIF: expansion coming soon

You might get a new neighbor popup today.


More exciting news:
These ad teasers, seen on fb tell us the long awaited expansions might be here soon as a second farm with new crops, ribbons, … We can't confirm yet when/how but we will update you with the latest asap.

update: Turns out the fv survey a while ago had questions about having a second english themed farm. I don't think we can talk about 'speculations' anymore. The ads are there and linked to the game. The only question is WHEN it will be released. We are hoping to get some sort of announcement in the new podcast later today. Maybe something for the upcoming fv-birthday, however if they tell us its "coming soon" it can takes days/weeks/months (remember the dogs? right..). But let's stay positive, we have waiting LONG for expansions and it looks like our patience will finally be rewarded.


* The FV podcast has been delayed till June 14th.


Here is the transcript important stuff bolded:

Greetings Farmers!

This week’s podcast is now live. Check it out to get information on our new features, as well as an exclusive sneak peek of things coming your way soon!

Please find the Transcript of this week’s podcast below:

FarmVille Podcast – June 4th:

Hey Farmers, and welcome to this week’s installment of the Official FarmVille Podcast! My name is Lexilicious and I am here to bring you all of the latest news and information about FarmVille from Zynga. This week, we will be discussing our latest releases, you guys will all be getting a sneak peek of things coming to FarmVille in the future, and we have a very special guest with us today to answer some questions from the FarmVille community!

This week featured lots of great new Limited Edition items, as well as some great new features.

The new “Move” and “Recycle” tools made an appearance this week, allowing users to more easily decorate and rearrange their farms. To access the Move tool, Simply click the Hand icon from the multi-tool menu to enter decoration mode. When in this mode, you will be able to move items with a single click, including plots!

When using the Move tool, you can also use the space bar to rotate applicable items when they are being held.

The new Recycle tool can be used to quickly clean up your farm. This new tool can be accessed by clicking the Recycle symbol in the Multi Tool menu.

The recycle tool will delete items with no value and sell items with coin value. In addition, the Recycle tool includes a “Quick Delete” mode. Quick delete will not warn you about selling or deleting any object worth less than 1,000 coins that is not a limited edition item when enabled.

Quick Delete will also give you an option to choose not to be warned about selling or deleting specific types of items until another tool is used. The new FarmVille Biplane was also released this week, which allows you to grow all of your crops instantaneously by applying an eco-friendly mix from the sky!

The Biplane can be purchased from the “Vehicles” Tab of the Market for 30,000 coins and is unlocked at level 12. Alternatively, you can obtain the Biplane by obtaining a Gold Medal in the new “Peanut Butter Jelly Time” Co-op that was released on Thursday.

Applying Instant Grow with the Biplane costs Farm Cash. The amount of Farm Cash you pay is dependent on how much time is left until your crops mature and how many seeded plots are on your farm. After you first purchase your Biplane, you are entitled to one free application of Instant Grow. To use it, simply click on the Biplane and select “Apply Instant Grow”.
And lastly, new Limited Edition Tuscan Items and the new Birthday themed decorations are now available in the market, along with the new “Cracked” Achievement.

Alright! And that’s about it for new releases this week! On that note, let’s go ahead and get into answering some questions submitted by members of the FarmVille Community! Today, we have a special guest with us who has graciously taken time out of her busy day to sit down and answer some questions from the community about the 7/11 promotion that is currently running.

Our first question comes to us from Ar-nak-nag-sak, and they would like to know “What made FarmVille decide to partner with 7-11 for a promotion?”
Here is what Danielle had to say about this question.
Hi Farmers, my name is Danielle and I work on Product Marketing for FarmVille. I’ve been on the team for close to a year and have seen FarmVille grow into something that has brought enjoyment to millions of players around the globe.

As FarmVille has grown, so has the opportunity to partner with other companies to expand our brand. One such company was 7-Eleven. What initially started as bringing FarmVille to Slurpee cups turned into an opportunity to work with 7-Eleven on a full fledge promotion that involved numerous Zynga branded 7-Eleven merchandise, Zynga marketing posters in and around the store, and the ability for consumers to earn exclusive virtual items.

Our next question comes to us from Icanhazbeez. “Why is this promotion only available to the US, and not to international users?”

While we would have loved to bring this promotion to our international community, we work with all of our partners on an individual basis and due to a number of different variables, including time restraints, we were not able to bring the 7/11 promotion to our international users.

However, It was amazing that we were able to bring this promotion to US and Canadian users within the time frame that we had, although we are still open to future promotions that will include our international community.
And finally, our last question comes to us from Super Woman. “Will there be more future promotions similar to 7-11?”

Due to the popularity of the 7/11 promotion, we will be looking into more opportunities like this in the future. I would personally like to thank everyone who has participated in the 7-eleven promotion and we are very interested in hearing your feedback. Please make sure to visit the official farmville forums with any ideas or suggestions.

Thanks for having me on the podcast. I may be back in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned.

Alright, awesome. I want to give a big thank you to Danielle for taking time out of her busy schedule to sit down and talk with us today. And going forward, we will be doing our best to get other members of the FarmVille team to sit down with us to discuss new features and answer questions from the community.

So for this week’s coming soon segment, I actually have some information for you guys on something I mentioned very briefly a few months ago in one of our earlier podcasts. The FarmVille team has recently been spending a lot of time coming up with content for our higher level players. Because of that, I am very excited to let you know that in the near future, we will be raising the level cap of 70, and adding more levels to FarmVille! Soon, you will be able to level up to level 100 and beyond. We will also be introducing new high level crops that can only be planted with a special one time purchase Permit and crops that require another crop to be mastered before they can be planted.

Along with the great new crops and additional levels, new high level coin items and gifts will soon be available to our most dedicated farmers.

Make sure to also keep an eye out for the Crafting Cottage preview, where you can find out about these three upcoming buildings and what they can produce. Learn which bushels are required to make some of the crafted goods and make sure to claim your special gift for participating in the preview!

And lastly, as a thank you to our users who have provided us with their email addresses, we will soon be emailing out fuel once a day for 2 weeks to anyone who has signed up for email.

Alright Folks, that’s it from me this week. I will be back next Friday to give you all of the latest news and information from around the Farm. Again, my name is Lexilicious, and I will see you soon. Happy farming everybody!

podcast May 28 & unreleased collection

Mentioned in the coming soon part:
* crafting buildings
* new settings menu
* instagrow consumable
* new co-op
* belted cow will be available for coins but we will have to do some ‘work’ for it


Unreleased buttons collection:
____ ____
____ ____

Podcast May 21st

Coming Soon:

* Farmers market
* Underground Storage (up to 400 storage!)


Transcript about the upcoming features:

At level 15, you’ll get the chance to find bushels of crops when you harvest your fields. Finding a bushel activates a Market Stall. Your friends can shop at your market stall and take some of the bushels and you earn rewards from each friend who shops at your stall. The bushels will be used in an upcoming feature and can also be consumed directly to get a license to plant that crop, earn more mastery from that crop or earn bonus exp from that crop for a short time.

In addition to this, we have the new underground storage feature coming soon. Coin and Cash cellars will soon be available that will allow you to store up to 200 items in the same size area as a plot of tulips! Players start out with a smaller number of slots and can get their friends to grow crops for them. These crops will give you energy to dig underground and increase the area of your cellars. You can have a maximum of two cellars. That means if you buy and max out two cellars, you’ll be able to have 400 slots of storage in the space of TWO tulip plots!

The Podcast

So for the first time in months! Zynga has released a new podcast

Here are the Bullet Points

  • A best of mystery box coming
  • More SouthWest stuff
  • Camera was removed, but will come back

And that’s about it

Here is the full transcript

Hey Farmers and welcome to the Official FarmVille Podcast. My name is Lexi and I am here this week to bring you guys all of the latest news and information about FarmVille! I’ll also be answering some questions submitted by members of the FarmVille community, and last but not least… you guys are all going to get a quick sneak peek of new features coming to farmville in the near future.

Well, first and foremost, you guys are going to have to forgive me if my voice sounds a little bit funky this week… a little while ago I got a nasty cold that resulted in me losing my voice for a couple of days and unfortunately my voice hasn’t quite got back to it’s usual self yet. That’s actually why we haven’t had a podcast for a few weeks, um… but I do want to thank everyone for their understanding about the past few missed podcast and I want to give a REALLY big thank you to those of you who sent me well wishes and get well soon notes, that was really awesome of you guys and I appreciate it.

As far as releases for this week, our most notable update was the return of Sweet Seeds for Haiti. Since October of 2009, FarmVille Farmers and the rest of the Zynga Players have contributed more than 3 million dollars to help children and their families through the sweet seed for Haiti effort and Now, before I go any further, I want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who has donated to this noble cause. Your contributions have directly affected and improved the lives of children and their families in Haiti.
Now, Sweet Seeds returns to support the development of a new K-12 for the children of Haiti. With the help of FarmVille’s Farmers and Zynga’s contributions, Haiti can begin to wipe out illiteracy.

Donating 25, 55 or 240 Farm Cash to Sweet Seeds for Haiti will give you a 1 week permit to purchase and plant special Sweet Yam seeds that never wither!

Sweet Yams cost 10 coins to plant, yield 125 coins when harvested and grant 3 XP when planting.

And the best part of this event? Zynga will donate 50% of the proceeds earned from this event to help aid children and their families in Haiti during their time of need. So come on guys. Help Zynga help Haiti by purchasing your own Sweet Seeds license while they last.

We also had tons of new Limited Edition items making their way to the Market this week, including the new Balloon Bouquet and Worlds best mom sign, (which, if you haven’t already, make sure to send one to your mom if she is a FarmVille player). Along with these two new items came the Pink Carnation Crop. The pink carnations are actually very pretty. (1 Day Harvest, they cost 11 Coins Per Plot and Yield 111 Coins when harvested.) And speaking of Mothers Day, (Which is on May 9th, as a friendly reminder for may have forgotten) we have a new promotion currently running with ProFlowers. For a limited time, if you order flowers from ProFlowers you can get 100 Farm Cash for yourself while doing something nice for your mother! If you want to participate in this promotion, simply click on the link that can be found at the bottom of the game.

We continued to roll out items for our Southwestern theme, which should continue to let you guys really personalize your farms. For anyone participating in this theme, you will be very excited to know that we have released new decorations, buildings, animals and even free gifts that will compliment your existing stuff very nicely. I have seen some awesome Southwestern farms popping up on the forums and stuff and I have to say, this is one of our most unique themes to date. I’m sure that the Southwestern theme lovers will really dig the new Bobcat and Hacienda in particular.

I have seen a few people talking about the removal of the photo feature with last nights update and I just let you guys know that this is a temporary thing and this feature will be returning as soon as we work a few bugs out of it.
Now, before I go ahead and get into answering some questions from the FarmVille community, I want to give you guys a quick heads up about a contest we currently have running. We are holding a very special 3-day Twitter contest! We’re giving away 100 Farm Cash to 10 daily winners, and one Grand Prize winner will win 500 Farm Cash! And, It’s just a simple tweet a day!

We are currently on the last day of the Twitter contest, so there is only a few hours left if you wish to participate, but its not too late to win 100 Farm Cash on Day 3 of our Twitter Contest! If you want some details on this event, please check out the news section on In addition to this event, Following us on Twitter is a really great way to stay up to date with all of our new features and releases, as well as letting us know what you think. If you’re interested in checking out the FarmVille Twitter, it can be found at

Alright, so let’s go ahead and get into answering some questions from members of the FarmVille community.

Our first question comes to us from kap42, and they’d like to know if the Fan Cows can have calves. As many of you are well aware, after our Battle of the Barnyard event the Cows stood victorious and introduced a new Orange and White Cow to our stable of animals. The Fan Cows work exactly like all of our other cows, which means that you can indeed have a chance get little Orange and White calves if you have them in your Dairy Barn. If you’d like more information on how producing calves works, just visit the Lonely Bulls post of the FarmVille Game Updates section in our Updates and Announcements forum.

Today’s next question comes to us from CanaDuh Girl, and she says that she really enjoyed the last few updates and wonder who are the masterminds behind all the things like buildings, animals, mystery boxes and decorations? Is it just one person who is very creative and imaginative or is there a certain person for each category?

First of all thank you for your generous compliment. On FarmVille, we have a Creative Director who outlines and plans the weekly content. This includes Limited Edition, Mystery Box and new permanent assets to the Market across all categories like animals, decorations, buildings, etc. She receives regular input from other team members and works closely with the art team to see the creative vision come to life for our fans enjoyment.

The day’s final question comes from yesmar, and they’d like to know if there’s any way they can put money onto their mother’s farm for Mother’s Day? Right now, there’s no way for you to directly add Farm Cash onto a friend or neighbor’s farm, but you CAN give your mom or anyone else you’d like to send Farm Cash to a FarmVille Game Card! They’re currently available in Best Buy, 7-11, Gamestop and Target stores and make a great gift for any special farmer in your life, including your mom.

And this week’s coming soon section is going to be a little bit lighter than usual. We do have a lot of really great stuff coming your way, but in order to make sure it all rocks before it is released, we need to take some time to tweak the features something that we know you guys will enjoy. Now, I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up about stuff coming sooner than it actually is, so I am going to keep that info a bit of a secret for now. Maybe that’s something that we can discuss in next week’s podcast.

But I can let you guys know that we have even more Limited Edition So
uthwest items coming your way soon, as well as an all new “Best of” Mystery Box.

Alright, well that’s it from me this week farmers. Again, my name is Lexilicious and thank you all so much for listening. I will be back next week to give you all the latest news and information from around the Farm. Happy Farming everybody!