Next Chapter in The Sheep Breeding Saga.

So tonight in a surprise update, Zynga has claimed to have fixed Color changing sheep.  And you folks that bought a Chameleon Ewe, got a FREE Chameleon Ram.  You folks that didn't buy, well It appears Zynga will allow you to purchase one for cash.

So here is the Question you were curious of.


Yes it works.  I called up friend of the Nation Alan, and we used his sheep pen, and within 4 tries had a color changing ewe. 

More as we research and see if we can get any interesting patterns.  If you already have those "special" Rams that are color changing with Stripe/Star/Hood/Splotch  Give them a try too, maybe you will get lucky.

Updated/Easier!: How to get a Lamb to your home Farm


So you've got all your neat purchased sheep on your home farm, and now you got a Sheep Pen, but sadly you do not desire to pay the highway robbery fee of 30 cash for the Polka Dotted Ram.  Well here ya go.

The hard Part, Birthing a Male.

Once you've got your Lamb, Girl or Boy, that you wanna bring over to the old farm, you click Keep Lamb, and this puts you into placement mode, which you need to exit out of, so click on the arrow, and then on your multi tool.  This causes you to leave Placement mode, and throws your lamb in your giftbox.

UPDATE: On the Give away/Keep Lamb Screen, Aka the one right up ^ there, Just click the X in the corner and lamb goes to the Giftbox, thanks for the tip Ebbie.

Click the Multi tool, to exit placement mode.

So once you have him in your Giftbox, its time to fly back home.  Alternately you can skip the above when You grab a Lamb from a friends post.  Same result critter in the Giftbox.

See 1 lamb in gift box.

Here we are on my home farm, you can tell its the home farm because well it says it in the corner, plus all the other home farm goodies you see.

The Airship and a unbuilt Haunted house, Great farm.

Now I gave the lamb his 10 bottles, and poof I have a Hot pink and black stars Ram.

I call this one "Brenon" for no obvious reasons.

Happy Sheeping folks.  Any questions, Leave them.

Also have you noticed that the Image you post of your sheep to your wall, isn't accurate to what it looks like on your farm?  Same as if you use the Farmville Camera to take a photo. 

Sheep Pen Untruths straight from Zynga.

Yesterday Zynga decided to throw up some info about sheep pens, which can be seen here

But I'm guessing they didn't really fact check their info, so here goes a correction:

First, if you get a lamb of a particular gender three times in a row, you'll get a lamb of the opposite gender, guaranteed. The rest is up to chance.

Incorrect Its supposed to work this way, but seemingly doesn't.  I know this because I just about 20 minutes ago got 14 ewes in a row.  Also other people report the same thing.  Good Job Zynga.


Second, any possible patterns are determined by the father alone. A lamb can inherent the pattern of the ram or none at all.

Also not true, I at least 20 times have got a Patterned animal after having a No Pattern Ram and a Patterned ewe, and so have other people.  Maybe later on this will be true.  Here is one example:


Third, the colors of the body and potential pattern are determined by the colors of both of the parents, which can be deviated somewhat from that color base for variety.

Can't really argue with this, but there has been plenty of times that a No Pattern Ram that's Maroon has relations with a No Pattern Ewe that's Teal, and it ends up a White No Pattern Ewe, but I guess technically white is a part of all colors or some such.

A few more things that aren't true… Someone emailed me and swore there were only FOUR possible outcomes for each pairing of sheep.  Well I know that's a load of crap since I did the same pair 10 times and every time it was different. 

Which brings me to my next point, I've been messaged a number of times about When are we going to post a "DNA List"  well, we aren't.  Why you may ask?  Because there is no such thing.  100 people could make the same pair of sheep do the dirty, and all 100 could be different from each other.  The difference could be extreme or just a slight shade difference.  Here are 3 examples I saved the other day when I was curious if there was some all magical way to predict the outcome.

The only things that can be said for sure about sheep creation.

1) Its actually pretty fun and exciting.

2) The only rules that really apply is that most of the time the outcome will reflect some of one or both of the parents, other than the times you put a blue and a red together and get Orange.

3) Zynga is going to likely milk every dollar they can out of folks.  Examples:

Day 1 of English Countryside, there were multiple prices set on the Ewes, Ram and Love Potion in the market.
The lowest prices were: Love potion was 2 Cash for 5.  The Ram was 10 cash, and the Ewes were 5 cash.
The high prices were Love Potion 40 cash for 5.  The Ram was 35 cash, and the Ewes were 30 cash.

Because enough folks paid the higher prices for the Rams and Ewes they were set near the highest range possible 30 for the Ram, and 20 for the Ewes.  Not as many people paid the insanely high price on the Love Potion so it was set at 10 cash for 5. 

4) The Star and Splotch patterns are out there, but, the first generation of them likely came from "badbad".  But once those were thrown into the sheep pen, and lambs shared, Honest players started having both patterns come from shared Lambs they adopted.  Its a bit of a gray area currently, like when the English Eggs and Chickens started spreading on the feed prior to release. 


I know the above is a whole mess of words and only a few pictures, I apologize to you folks that only come here for the pretty pictures, I'll do better next time.

Old sheep will they come back?

Someone sent in the question asking if older sheep will likely be sold by Zynga now that they have a building, similar to how some old ducks showed back up for sale around the release of the Duck Pond.

My answer would be

Can almost count on it.  It would make some folks happy and make Zynga money.  So the only questions are:

When will it happen?
Which one?
How much higher priced will they be?
Will former Mystery Game sheep be sold for cash/coin?

Possible old market/mgame/co-op sheep that could come back

Do any of these call to you as something you really wanna have on your EC Farm?  The Kick Ewe and Candy Cane Sheep are special because of the pattern they will create.

Sheep Pen Info: Sheep that you can semi-easily get to your Giftbox

After being asked a few times for a list of all the sheep one could easily get and move over to their UK Farm to use for Breeding.  These are the ones I was able to think of.  Did I miss Any?  If so leave me a comment informing me and I'll get it added.
From 2009 Holiday Tree Presents Redeem
From 2010 and 2011 Valentine's Box Redeem
From 2010 Pot Of Gold Redeem
From 2010 Spring Basket Redeem
From Fashion Bug Co-Op Gold Reward
From Tuscan Wedding Tent Redeem
From Storage Cellar Redeem
From 2010 Haiti Backpack Redeem
From 2010 Halloween Candy Basket Redeem
From 2010 Thanksgiving Table Redeem
From 2010 Holiday Tree Redeem
From Reuniting the lost lamb and sheep (if you've already done it you can not do it again)
From 2011 Pot of Gold Redeem

The Uk Sheep’s Pattern

UK SheepI've got a few messages asking what does the UK Sheep Make. 

Well the bad news is as of right now, it has the same "breeding pattern" as the rest of the normal sheep (minus Kick Ewe and Candy Cane Sheep)  Which means that its a No Pattern Animal.

The good news, uhhh at least it is use-able in the pen and it may add some new color to the mix?

It would be wise if this one would make a thin stripe pattern, but that would make too much sense.

Could this change in the future?  Well anything is possible but we are still waiting on the promised Unicorn foals. 

So still the only 4 patterns out are (unless someone magically gets a star or splotch, both of which shouldn't happen yet)

StripeDotsNo PatternHood

Sheep Pen: Part 1. Patterns

I named him Oreo


Currently the sheep pen can produce 4 patterns based on what all sheep you have. 

No PatternStripeDotsHood

Here is a group shot of all 4 patterns of Ewe and Ram

The Stripe is a result of a Ram and the Candy Cane Sheep.  So at least for now will be semi hard to get, until players share between themselves.  This is because its unlikely a whole mess of folks thought to keep a Candy Cane Sheep in their Giftbox.

The Dotted is a result of a Ram Polka Dots from the Market and another Ewe, or from a Ram and the Kick Ewe.  This for right now will be the 2nd hardest to get of the 4 that are out, since not many folks thought to keep a Kick Ewe in their Giftbox, and the number of Polka Dotted Rams sold may be low based on its price.

The Hood is a Result of Brutus the Ram and another Ewe.  This will be the 2nd most common of the current patterns, due to everyone who completes the task gets a Brutus.

The No Pattern is a Result of A Ram and an Ewe.  This is the most common since almost ever Previous sheep counts as No Pattern.  The only ones that do not are the Kick Ewe and the Candy Cane Sheep.

If you have a Pattern Ram/Ewe mate with a No Pattern Ram/Ewe it is possible your Out come will be Pattern or No Pattern.  The game incorrectly states that the pattern is determined by the Ram, which is incorrect, since My Candy Cane Sheep resulted in a Striped Ram which I then used to make a few more Striped Ewes.


To you sheep collectors, the number of possible sheep combos will make it pretty much impossible to have EVERY possible shade of color.  You can maybe get all the "primary" colors of each Pattern, but even that may be hard because the colors of your sheep spawn each time seems not exactly  as you would expect, its too early to tell, we hope to have more information in the coming days once more sheep are created. 


As best we can tell the Stars Pattern and Splotchy Patterns haven't been released yet, but here are a few icons of what they will look like

Next Part of the Sheep Pen Postings, will include 20 or so Combos and their Result. 

So what sort of neat colors and or patterns have you seen. Post photos as comments of what you've seen, or send it in and we may feature it in the next installment of the Sheep Pen Guide.