Update for both markets

Tonight's update is divided in 2 parts: some items are English Countryside exclusive and can't be placed on your main farm.  The overpriced English Sheep can be used for breeding, let's hope it makes some nice combos.  The Shire horse makes a foal on either your main or English farm.  The Giant Candy Apple tree was already available from type B mystery seedlings.
New animalNew building
New trees
New decorations
English Countryside Exclusives:
New animals
New building
New decorations

Not Related to Farming at all, but is an Awesome Cause

So this has nothing to do with Farmville, but This is a Cause that I believe in, and one of our team members is doing the Relay tomorrow.  So I semi took it upon myself to post this in hopes of strumming up a few more dollars her way.

Click the logo above to get to the page for her page to donate.  I was unaware of her doing this till tonight, or I'd posted this already.

Good Luck Farrah.

Sheep Pen: Part 1. Patterns

I named him Oreo


Currently the sheep pen can produce 4 patterns based on what all sheep you have. 

No PatternStripeDotsHood

Here is a group shot of all 4 patterns of Ewe and Ram

The Stripe is a result of a Ram and the Candy Cane Sheep.  So at least for now will be semi hard to get, until players share between themselves.  This is because its unlikely a whole mess of folks thought to keep a Candy Cane Sheep in their Giftbox.

The Dotted is a result of a Ram Polka Dots from the Market and another Ewe, or from a Ram and the Kick Ewe.  This for right now will be the 2nd hardest to get of the 4 that are out, since not many folks thought to keep a Kick Ewe in their Giftbox, and the number of Polka Dotted Rams sold may be low based on its price.

The Hood is a Result of Brutus the Ram and another Ewe.  This will be the 2nd most common of the current patterns, due to everyone who completes the task gets a Brutus.

The No Pattern is a Result of A Ram and an Ewe.  This is the most common since almost ever Previous sheep counts as No Pattern.  The only ones that do not are the Kick Ewe and the Candy Cane Sheep.

If you have a Pattern Ram/Ewe mate with a No Pattern Ram/Ewe it is possible your Out come will be Pattern or No Pattern.  The game incorrectly states that the pattern is determined by the Ram, which is incorrect, since My Candy Cane Sheep resulted in a Striped Ram which I then used to make a few more Striped Ewes.


To you sheep collectors, the number of possible sheep combos will make it pretty much impossible to have EVERY possible shade of color.  You can maybe get all the "primary" colors of each Pattern, but even that may be hard because the colors of your sheep spawn each time seems not exactly  as you would expect, its too early to tell, we hope to have more information in the coming days once more sheep are created. 


As best we can tell the Stars Pattern and Splotchy Patterns haven't been released yet, but here are a few icons of what they will look like

Next Part of the Sheep Pen Postings, will include 20 or so Combos and their Result. 

So what sort of neat colors and or patterns have you seen. Post photos as comments of what you've seen, or send it in and we may feature it in the next installment of the Sheep Pen Guide.

The Unwither Clock Aka The Cash Grab!

30 Days, Really?

A new limited item has shown up for our English Farms, and its a Clock that gives you wither protection.

Math says this is about 1/5th the cost of the Unwither ring, which works FOREVER, and this works for a month.


Whats you folk's thoughts on this?  I think this is a bad item for the game for the most part, but….

If you were worried about your English Crops withering, why wouldn't you just fly to the home farm?  Could this be a sign they are gonna release the ability to turn off the pause sooner than expected?