unreleased March 24

We found some really nice unreleased items today.  Most of them are for the English Countryside theme.  The Shetland Pony looks real nice, for once not another recolored animal.
Shetland PonyShetland FoalSussex ChickenBagot GoatTufted Duck
Devon CowDevon CalfGrey HaronEnglish PartridgeTudor Cottage
Crab Apple TreeCrab Apple MasteryDamson TreeDamson MasteryIron Rose Fence
Garden GazeboOast HousePicnic TableEnglish Porch Swing
This penny will be used for the English Countryside wishing well we posted about last week.  This means that the old pennies can't be used so there's no need to keep them in your giftbox.

EnglishRose Penny