Bob’s Opinion of the Money Tree. Plus Free Money Tree.

This is *my* opinion, so do not think what I say is what you should do.

Now that we know the exact price and that the Tree is rolling out, It seemed like a nice follow up.  Ps It looks like a Tree, but its really a Building. 

1) This is clearly aimed at those lucky folks that have had a mess of farmcash hanging around, such as Winter Holiday Gifts.  Or buying Plush Animals etc.

2) If you have the cash, you come out ahead, in roughly half a year.

3) I'm buying myself one of these, since I have enough cash to cover the few things I intend to buy per week, and the 10 cash a week will cover a tree.  PS: I hope that enough shares come on posts so I can provide someone with enough Farmville giftcard Codes to buy their own Money Tree.  And If the share number fails, I'll likely still give one to a Randomly chosen chat Room Visitor.  (the method of gifting will be via Farmville gift Cards)

4) This to a degree is like buying a Certificate of Deposit at the bank, and instead of waiting till its been a year to get all your funds, you get 1/52 nd of the funds per week.

5) People are gonna complain about this one much more than they ever do about Quests.

6) I think this is actually a bravo Idea,they only way a purchaser doesn't get their reward, is if they quit playing.

7) I think if this was made Sendable it'd be very helpful.

8) How is Zynga being Greedy on this one?  They are letting you put in X Dollars in farmcash and get out 2X Dollars in farmcash.  I'm sure people think they should be able to trade 10 coins for 40 farmcash, and that every time they play Farmville Zynga gives them a cookie. 

9) Only *real* downside on this one, is that you are limited to ONE Money Tree.  Oh well, I suspect this will actually be fairly popular, and result in another release/repaint/etc of the Money Tree.

So what are your thoughts? 

Plush Failures, My Apology.

So Once upon a Time… I decided that I wanted to help folks out with getting the Zynga Best Buy Plush Critters.  Because I was trying to be nice.  Well These Critters came out around Thanksgiving, towards the end of my Semester of College, so I was confident that my plan was gonna work out, to get them shipped out to those that purchased/traded in Early Decemberish and everyone would be happy.

But as it happens, life sometimes sneaks up on you, and cracks you over the head with a baseball bat, and I had some things come about that delayed things.  I'm not going to go into everything but to say I was very 🙁 would be an understatement.   So I was confident that by Late December/Early Jan I'd have all my ducks in a row, and have a place to stay when I returned for my spring semester of college.  And if you happened to have noticed on the fanpage, I jokingly commented that I was at McDonalds/SteaknShake for a NUMBER of hours, well the sad thing is, I wasn't joking, my planned living place, fell through.  I've actually been sleeping on the couch of a friends for a few days, and I've recently got fairly sick, all of this combined to result in my coming up epically short on getting everything done as well as I intended.


You Humans that have Purchased/Traded for plush My Goal is hopefully to get the rest of the critters on their way.  By the end of the Week. 
You humans that have an interest in Trading/Buying, I hope to actually work out something with you folks after I've taken care of other folks.

And when It comes to plush, I have a high numbered amount, and will likely be able to accommodate most any requests.

I should have learned after the 7-11 Fiasco, but I didn't. 

The Plush have somewhat made me feel like the phrase "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" is very accurate. 

I Apologize to anyone I've disappointed/ruined holiday/etc


Survey Says! Possible Nifty Future doings!

So as I crawl back onto the horse of posts (that sounds so weird), I'm thrilled to see Zynga is doing some testing of the waters so to speak.   Past Surveys have spoiled the English Countryside, Lighthouse Cove, Combine, Winter Wonderland, Hawaii, Tractors, crafting, More Masteries, Breeding of Pigs/Sheep etc..


I like all of these, Candy Land sounds fun, Animals Wearing Suits as well makes me laugh, and over all I think all the above are wins.

Saved Quests: Yes Please, Vacation Mode, YES Please, Swap meet YESSS!  Auction House, HOLY CRAP YES!

It'd be like working for Zynga!

Swap Meet and Auction house, Be still my heart!

What do you folks think?

Wanna take the survey?

This should get you there

I hope at least 3 or 4 people get the Title and Icon Reference.

Site Posts, Delayed by sickness.

In Short, there is about eh, a dozenish posts I've intended to make since Sometime Thursday, but illness grabbed a hold of me and hasn't lessened its grip that much.  (edit: In fact I fell asleep while typing this.) 

So What you can Look forward to later this Sunday!

  • The Contents of the Next Raffle!
  • Quest Postings of Futureness!
  • Market doings For Tonight
  • Mystery Game Sneak peek
  • Survey Points Towards Cool Future?
  • A post covering Some of the "newer" Animals found in Mystery Babies
  • Update to the Plush Situation, and an Epic Apology, with a bonus Peek into my real life.  (Sadfaces)
  • A few additions to the sidebar for quick locating
  • Other Jibber Jabber Maybe.

As I've said many times, thanks for being a Fan, Follower, Friend, etc.  The Site wouldn't be what it is today, without you folks.

Your humble Farmer Guide


Help Kit Win!

If you would like to help out Kit on a contest, click on this kitty and 'vote' for the picture of Brian and Artimus:

You can vote EVERY day from EVERY email address! There are only 5 days left and I am fighting to hold my first place! If I win, it is likely that I will pick a random commenter to get a prize!! (with Bob's approval of course) ^_^

Thanks so much for all your help so far!! Keep up the awesome work!

I Completed a Quest and Got a Book, Whats up?

So a lot of people are not super familiar with the workings of the XP Book, so I decided it wise to toss out a post about things.

When it comes to being a Market Item, the XP Book I believe is kinda well Insane.  Buying Xp for Cash to gain levels, seems just counter Productive.

Basically in short the best plan for using the XP Book for its maximum useage, is to wait until JUST after you level up (if you are at least level 101, or wait till being Level 101)

Its nothing more than a buff to your XP Level, and the amount of XP you get is based on the level you are on.  So Max use is waiting until level 101 as you cross over.

You can sell it for I think Zero Or Five Coins.

I know some people seem very thrilled with this item, others not as much.


Bob, My Life is RUINED, I’ve just heard No more free Farmcash!

This is a long one, You likely will not care to read all of it.  I enjoyed writing it, because I enjoy such things, even when they aren't the most popular.  This is technically in response to a few things, but I figured its time to make a post explaining things so maybe folks will take note, or maybe even Zynga will do something.  The 2nd I doubt…

As of today Jan 14th, 2012: You will get 1 free cash up to Level 250.  Then Not so much.

Anyway, If I'm recalling proper (which is maybe not exactly how it went, but whatevers)

In the Old days, not the Oldest days, but pretty long ago, You could max out at Level 70, and as you leveled you got 1 cash per level, and you even started with 5 cash.  So It was hoo-ray!

Then in June of 2010, around the first Birthday of Farmville, they made changes to things, YET AGAIN!  In Raising the Cap to 90, then again, on my favorite Holiday, they raised it again to 110.  But there was a sadness involved, the Free Cash ended at level 100, and players upon getting to level 101, were given a phantom farmcash that wasnt real, that of course vanished upon refresh since it was a phantom.  And then most you ould level up as high as your bot, I mean as much as you wanted to.

Fast Forward to about May 2011, for reasons I'm still baffled on, the Cash Cap was Raised!  From levels 101 to 250 would now get cash.  Allowing if someone was creating fake accounts and power leveling them, to get up to 254 cash fairly fast and painless.  No more opening 100s of Eggs/mysteryboxes or having to torment Snowmen.  Fakebooks for everyone!

So people keep questioning, Why the Level cap of 250 on Cash.  I frankly am at a loss myself on this.  But I personally believe its too high.  Yes I know, I'm awful.  But why do I think this, well In short I believe the Prices going up on Farmville Items is directly related to the number of humans and R2-D2s that keep getting farmcash to buy stuff.  That as more "fake currency" is coming into the game, the prices will keep going up.  Its kinda like Counterfeit Money.   (Farmville SERIOUS BUSINESS)

So Whats the solution?  Who knows, But this is a thought I've had…

Allow Players based on Join Date to get more Farmcash above Level 250, and also base it on the activity of their gameplay.  If its an account that's not done anything in years after gifting someone all of its cash via the send button, then they shouldn't be allowed to go any further on the free cash train.  But if someone is one of those farmers that buy a ton of cows etc and play tons, and been around for quite a while they should get some sort of pass and allowed to earn more cash.

I assume the 250 limit is based on a few things
1) Zynga is obviously aware of the certain activities to get free Cash (If you comment to ask how, I'm sure you will not get the answer you desire)
2) How many Legit Not using outside help players are Way above 250 at this point?  I have almost a dozen players that have been playing since almost DAY ONE and are not above Level 160.  The one former neighbor that was rounding 9400 when I deleted them for being super obvious in their cheatery. 
3) Zynga wants you to buy Farmcash.

Of course I know a lot of people will Frowny Face, Rage Face, Yell Face, and ultimately Hate face on me for stating the obvious.  I also know some people live in a world where no one cheats at Farmville and is totally honest and everyone clicks Like.

So Maybe that one friend you have that's level 9302 Isn't playing totally fair, but most folks ignore such things because of the billions of things they share to "stick it to zynga" 

PS: When you comment the same 12 word Phrase and like over 45 posts in less than a Minute, Its TOTALLY NOT OBVIOUS you are cheating.  NO one will EVER FIGURE IT OUT, You are the Master of Deception.

Bob Your Site Sucks, The Links NEVER work, I hate you.

So I've just now had a chance to check the site email for the first time in almost a week, and basically what I saw was about 2 dozen messages FROM TODAY of people explaining how frustrated they were with the Quest Requests In game, a long with their RAGE over the links I post to request stuff taking them to the "invite page" or "Gifting page".  I answered the friendly folks, and put the ones informing how much I suck on ignore.  The Best one was the guy that said he clicked my links twice, then tried someone else's and it worked, and I should be ashamed.  (With my current life Situation, I to a degree Do not really care for the "donkeyish" messages) (All 3 of the phrases in the title, came from real emails, thanks Fellas)

Basically, It often takes a number of clicks to get where you are going, (3 is the magic number generally), as shown in picture format.

1st Click: Gift Page2nd Click, Invite Page3rd Click: Win

If you click/refresh more than 7 times and don't get where you are going, that's when there is maybe a problem and You should give me a shout.


Farmville: Serious Mean Business.

Well Zynga, You won. Well Really You lost, but you beat me.

Since the early days I've been a big tree Collector, to the point I had 100s of most  tree.  Then the Orchards came and I cut it down to 21 of each tree. 20 for the Orchard and 1 to stand proudly by the mastery sign.

And I kept that up as Zynga changed the prices, and then decided to milk things as much as they possibly could. 

But you broke me.  Yesterday I only purchased 2 of the Level 1 Tree Leaving the Market.  It very well will be come 1 of each for the next buy. 

For the most part the Endless recolors, the prices, and the likely hood of another price increase, was enough to kill my interest in keeping the 21 going.

Its a shame they don't have a trade in/buyback program, I have many trees I'd love to get even 10% of the original price back.  Or to give/trade to neighbors

The Zynga Greed has killed part of my happy.

Seedlings: Revisited Because it was Requested

Someone asked for me to Re-explain this, so Here is mostly the whole original article with a few edits and additions.

I see many players posting that their seedling they are sharing came from a specific orchard full of specific trees, and then when people grow them, they are disappointed that the seedling they got, that was said to come from an Acai Orchard, turned into a Golden Plum and not a Peach Palm.  So here is how the Mystery Seedlings work.

1) There are 2 types of Seedlings, but both are called mystery seedling.  Type A is the seedling that you keep, this is going to be the Level 2 tree of some tree in your orchard, If you have a solid Orchard of 1 Type of tree*****, then you will have that trees Level 2.

Type B is a seedling picked up off the feed, these are wild cards, they can be anything that's a Level 2 tree%%%%.  And yes If someone Harvested an Acai Orchard, and posted the seedling, claiming it came from an Acai, it is possible you will grow a Peach Palm, but its more likely you will grow something else.

So the short version is: On Mystery seeds posted to the feed, it is a mystery##### what it will be, it does not matter what orchard it came out of. 

Quit disappointing your friends, quit posting that the seedling you shared came from a "_____" Orchard.  It doesn't matter  Share this so people will know the truth!

***** CERTAIN Level 1 Trees Do not have a Defined Level 2, So they Lie to you in the Orchard and say they make themselves but they do not.  Examples Discover Tree, Spruce Birdhouse Tree, likely Future Trees.

%%%% In the Early Days, or rather about the first 9ish Months of Orchards, the Unreleased Level 2s Would flow like the River from Type B Seedlings.  But they they got Smart, and changed up some stuff to Date them, So Level 2 Trees would only Crop up during the  the Market time of Said Tree.  Now there has been a few trees Lately (Sweater, Sculpted, Whittled) The Level 2 has shown up early, but these have all been Quest Prizes. People still get trees Early and Share Unreleased Level 2s but for the most part its less random, and more Someone has been to Customer Service.

##### There is some Mystery, but the number of Possible Trees is much lower now than it was say in May of 2011.  Which is why More people report their Seedlings from the Feed end up being more basic Level 2 Trees (Granny Smith Etc)