The Next “Paid Gifting” Gift and Reward, plus its for a good Cause.

So the Farmville images will be at the bottom of the post, I'm gonna type some other stuff first.

1) I'm not a Nascar Fan. 

After seeing the Above, I'm still not.  I've even seen Yoda on one of those 24 Cars, and It's not interested me.

2) I'm an old person fan.  I've wrote before about my Grandma and how helped with my upbringing and basically like Yoda.  She is fortunate in that my mom makes her food and takes care of her, yet lots of older folks do not have such as that, and it sucks.  I've heard tell of the old folks having to pick between meds and food.  Also that some of the veterans of WW2, who risked their life to do what they did (If You are unaware, Stop playing Farmville, go read a history book, I'll wait), and now are going without food and living awful lonely existence.  

3) If you are in a position to do something, volunteer, donate, whatever, I don't see why you shouldn't.  I've looked it up and in the area I attend college, there are a few things, and I'm going to do my best to make time, even with my responsibilities of "being Bob" and "being Justin."  To go and do something to be helpful. 

4) Here are the items for Farmville:

Kudos to those that deserve them.

This is Grocery Pig, he clearly is on his way to deliver some groceries to someone who needs some.  I approve of his actions.

PS: Bravo Zynga for getting in with a Good thing.

So that new Nursery…

A little while back I mentioned a New Nursery was coming, and it's still coming, but now that images showed up early this morning, things look a bit different than expected…  Hopefully in coming days we will know more, but you can come up with your own words to describe the goings on below.   My Thoughts are below it.

Step 1: Congrats on building this new giant baby Bed looking thing with toys and Blocks, You are a Winner
Step 2: Oh Snap, You can throw your Mystery Babies in here, Why?  Well they should take up less room.
Step 3: And You can shovel Feed into their mouths.  Those bundles look tied up, so I'm not sure how the food gets into the critter.
Step 4: And Because Every thing must be harvested, in what can be called the Circle of Life, You shove Feed into it, and you get Feed back once a day,  Or some such.

The Next Vote Building, Which do you want to hug.

So basically this is one of the funnier Vote buildings because you can get flags that show your love of picking fruit, or that vile blonde girl touching the Cow of Brown in ways that are not wholesome. 

Here are the prizes that will come from this, plus the secret of the bonus prize.

Plus no matter what order you do things in, You will get one Mystery Dart Each time you complete the Voting!

A Bunch of Market Stalls, Showing NEVER BEFORE SEEN Crops!

So I saw someone the other day complaining Farmville was releasing too many "fantasy crops" and not enough real ones.  Well they must have heard that from a number of folks because a number of normal crops are on the way! 

So first up are those 10 "space crops"  Which Are not going to be the sign we are getting a space farm, Sorry.  Just a special line of 10 crops that are coming soon to all farms.

Now here are the fun stuff, Lettuce, Goji Berry 2, Garlic, Kidney Beans, Orange Marigold, Okra, Celery, Begonias, Yellow Marigolds, Buckwheat, Kale, Alfalfa, Green Beans and Brussel Sprouts

Unreleased stuff that is coming soon

So here is some stuff that we'll see semi soon.

Some upcoming trees. 

Some upcoming crafting recipes.

Two Unreleased Crop Bushels:

Lentils Alfalfa

I have a bunch of market stall images of some future crops but not sure anyone cares.  Does anyone care?